Happy New Year!
I hope that everyone had an amazing time bringing in 2010. We did! My parents so kindly took all three kids for the evening and the hubs and I put on some sparkle...well I did :) and headed out on the town! A friend of ours organized an outing for a group of us to a place called the Prohibition Room.
What fun!
Normally, I am somewhat bah-humbug on New Year's Eve....it is also such a let down. However, this year it was exactly what we needed. Life as a Guy has been somewhat stressful lately.....and I thought parenting 3 kids 2 and under and taking care of a marriage was supposed to be easy ha...ha...but food, dancing and some bubbly is exactly what we needed!!

And this is me before the bubbly :)
The hubs and I got a pic together...however, it was apparently on someone else's camera...finding this pic is on my to-do list....since having the kids we rarely take any picture's together!!
Well, after a wonderful NYE with friends....a terrible Cotton Bowl (seriously Cowboys....offensive? anyone?) I returned to work yesterday to start my last week.
So this is bittersweet....I have been at this job for 5 years...FIVE YEARS...half a decade...I started their single and I am leaving a married mother of 3....I just can't believe how quickly the time has passed. I have truly made some of my best friends there. I have learned about 1,000 lessons.
Well, then why am I leaving a job I care about so....well...life. I had an opportunity that presented itself...and I took it. It was actually a very challenging process...I had 3 interviews before landing the new gig, not to mention it is in a field that I have little experience in. So, I am excited for the challenge.
I am sure I will write more on this as I get into the new position. I begin next Monday...so please, wish me luck!