So currently my life consist of the
Work....although my desk isn't so attractive...mine is more gray and boring...from the land of boring...

My daughter, who is as busy as ever and just turned 2

My husband...that is when I get a chance to see him and he is not at work...
and last, but certainly not least...the two newest munchkins in our life....the boys
These two are great boys and honestly, I have enjoyed every minute...the crazy schedule of diapers, naps, bedtimes, laundry....and of course feedings.
I have chosen to breastfeed...I would like to think I am an advocate, however, I do not feel the need to push my beliefs on others in such an abrasive way it is scary.....I have encountered those at the grocery store, dr. office, post office, etc...that always deal out unsolicited advice while pregnant or with baby. My goal is to never be one of "those people" with stories that are meant for only evil. my soap box...
Back to my life also conists of...

My pump....officially the Pump In Style® Advanced The Metro Bag™ 2008. I love the name....sounds so stylish. It is currently my best friend....I never leave home without it. We go everywhere together. Work, the mall, road trips, friends' houses...everywhere. Every 3-4 hours we are literally attached...TMI right?
And although at night when my alarm goes off to let me know it is time again to pump...and for that brief moment I want to pick it up and throw it away...I remember that this machine is what has allowed me to go back to work and feed both of my boys for free. Then we make-up...hook up (LOL...had to write it) and I drift back to sleep...until it is time again.
If you are a working mom...I highly recommend this...I have used it for all 3 kids!
I love your blog and your titles for your posts. Too cute! You are a machine(and attached to one a lot of the time)! Kudos to you for being able to feed two babies at the same time!