This is my lil' Carter man....Baby are his stats....
Age: 13 months (well...tomorrow)
Weight: 18 lbs 11 oz
Likes: He loves to crawl everywhere and he is a "tinkerer". He is SOO interested in how everything works. He has a decent attention span...for a one year old...he can play with a specific toy without getting completely distracted. Bathtime is also a favorite of his...he gets in and the legs start bouncing and water starts going EVERYWHERE...he is super cute. He also loves to play ball. He can sit and roll it back and forth and he thinks this is hilarious and usually gets a belly laugh out of him.
Dislikes: Having his diaper changed...hates it...and ear drops. He just (and his brother) got tubes in and they have to have ear drops and it is like fighting a ninja.
Physical activity: He is crawling everywhere, and although it took him a long time to get up and least with the conventional crawl, now he is pulling up on everything and walking from every piece of furniture he can get his hands on. I think it will be a little while before he takes his first actual steps, but it isn't slowing him down.
Communication: What is funny about the boys is that they are not saying alot of "words". He knows "Mom" and "Dad"....usually uses Dad...he is a daddy's boy. But otherwise he just seems to babble alot. The best is when the boys are in their rooms in their cribs and are going down or waking up they have a language all of their own. They laugh and babble and will have their own "conversations". I can't wait until they want to talk to us :)
Weird Habit/thing: The weirdest thing about Carter's habits is that he MUST have something in each funny...he likes to hold two crackers, two toys...two pacifiers or two cups. It is really funny....
Carter is such a sweet boy. He has really come into his own. He is a great eater and has a great attitude and unbelievable patience. He has gotten feisty when it comes to his brother taking a toy...but for the most part he is happy go lucky. When he was born he was so tiny...barely 5 pounds and when we headed home he was less...(losing the normal 8% of birth rate...but it came right back). He then went from being tiny to round. It was quite funny...he didn't grow in length but his belly sure did. Now that he is so active and has gotten a little bit of height he has become a little boy! He is absolutely adorable and I can't help but smile when I see him.
Ahh....Carter Barter (our name for him around the house) are such a special boy!!
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