As usual I have been a terrible blogger...I honestly would say I don't have the time...I know it is there somewhere but when I do have a free moment (kids napping, in bed, etc) I would rather, or guess I should say, I need to do all the necessary things like laundry, dishes, prep for whatever we might me eating, clean, etc....with the ocassional veg on the couch and do a whole lot of nothing.
Baby #4 is starting to really wear me out...WAY WAY WAY earlier than the other pregnancies. I mean I still have 10 weeks left....with Katelyn I went strong until the end...wearing heels, getting ready EVERY SINGLE DAY, walking, dinners out, pretty much anything. We even hosted a football watch party the day I went into labor (which was 5 days AFTER my due date). The boys started slowing me down about 4 weeks prior to c-section date. This was, however, to be expected with twins, but even then we moved out of my parents, and moved into a new home, set up a new nursery, repainted our entire yellow house and put Katelyn together a semi-big girl room, even though I was on "bedrest". But Baby #4 cracks me is super active and I swear it is HUGE! I can be on my feet trying to chase down one of the 3 kiddos, or work around the house and BOOM....tummy tightens and I am tired! My doctor said this is normal...3rd pregnancy in 3 years...this one just 8 months after the twins were born...apparently my body isn't exactly prepared to do it all...grow a baby and take care of a household...without a LOT of push. Please know that I am not complaining....just trying to journal my every thought of my last pregnancy. I am actually really kinda sad that it is my last pregnancy...the last little kicks (or jabs) in my belly...the last time for a nursery to plan...the last time truly enjoy the beautiful world of the pregnancy belly and the excitement that it brings me to know that God has trusted another beautiful little person in my care. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl...a truly surprise moment...and I am not surprised often. I am also sad to pack away my stretchy pants...I really REALLY like maternity clothes.
So as for the kiddos that are keeping me busy as I wait to find out about the next addition....Carter has been growing my leaps and in physical development. It took him so long to crawl and become active and then all of a sudden...BAM!!! He is up and walking on everything, pulling himself up and trying so hard to take steps. You can just see it in his eyes!! He is super cute and has the best giggle. He is still pretty quiet but he loves to listen to books and listen to me (or anyone) talk about anything. He is still quite content to entertain himself or play with his brother. Not needy...unless not feeling good...but I am glad to report, since they got tubes last month, sickness has not been around! It has been 4 weeks since his last ear infection (Bryce too) and that is the longest they have ever gone without one.
Bryce is my talker....he repeats and listens. He is also walking...a little more like Frankenstein than a human, but he is trying to stay on his feet the majority of the time to get from point A to point B. He is getting better everyday!!
Katelyn just started back to "school" and she is in a new classroom. Montessori A, which is the 3 year old class. Her and 3 other 2 year olds got moved up. She LOVES LOVES LOVES it. Everyday she comes home everyday with a new story about her friends. She cracks me up with her imagination. Example....last week she told her dad that she, Adrian, Ava, Avery and Jovy were going to ride a bus to Mexico to eat lunch and play. That he could not go, but he could drive them. She told me yesterday that her, Olivia, Avery and Adrian were going to take the bus to the library, then the zoo then to eat and that she would be home later. She is a very busy gal :)
Well, that is the here and now. This pregnant mama is headed to a bachelorette party tonight...well, the slumber party of it :) Bring on the girl time!
Have a great weekend!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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