is that time a night again...3 am and I am up and pretty excited that HBO has on the movie "He Just not that into you". I love this movie and gives me something decent to watch instead of infomercials. I can sometimes be a sucker for infomercials and that is not good to mix insomnia with my bank account :)
I had a great/rough couple of days....on Thursday I was headed to my OB appointment to check on baby #4, only to get a phone call that my doctor had to cancel because she got called out to a delivery and wouldn't be in Friday and asked if I wouldn't mind coming Monday so she could see me instead of another doctor in her practice. Of course I agreed...and then immediately got off the phone and the tears begin to flow. I don't know why really...well, I am lying...I know why, however, it was mainly hormonal with no solid grounds. I was really wanting some kind of update and my doctor to say "You are is ok...and you are going to make it!"
You see, as of lately, I feel as though my body and mind are at constant battle with one another. My mind wants to go go go with to-do list's and activities with my kiddos, however my body decides to start contracting, hurting and telling me to stop. This is definitely the hardest part of this pregnacy. So, after the phone call and the waterworks, my mom and husband devised a "Candace needs to rest" plan and arranged for the 3 kids to stay at Granny and PaPa's for a couple of days.
It ended up being exactly what I needed, however, it was bad for the hubs because he ended up running lots of fever, drinking lots of fluids and going to the doctor. He did get to sleep and I followed him around with Lysol so I wouldn't get sick and to try as hard as possible to keep the house as germ free as possible for when the kids came home.
So the entire family is under one roof again...the boys are sleeping like babies....Katelyn has made her way to our bed (still working on every night being an all nighter in her room...but we do have progress) and I am up watching TV and playing FreeCell. Even posting a blog :) All is right in the Guy household.
Until 3am again :)
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago