Check out these cute...
Pretty sure it is next to impossible to have all eyes on the camera...but cute nonetheless. This was a picture from Christmas Eve festivities.
Carter and Bryce bring such joy to my life. They are so different and such individuals, however they really are the best of friends. Watching twins is so interesting with the interaction they have with each other. They can be so sweet with one another and at the same time push each others buttons and annoy each other. Both equally sweet.
Carter is growing like crazy! He is about 25 pounds and his shoe size is about a 4. He has little bitty feet, paired with a round belly, and his little walk just makes you smile.
Bryce is strong. He is 26 pounds and his shoe size is 7. Big feet and he sure knows how to use them. He is off and running about 90% of the day. He has a sweet little smile and just laughs as he runs from one room to the next.
The time with the boys has flown by! I still feel like they are my "babies". I think this is because it has taken them a little longer to master some physical developments (i.e. walking) and some communicative activities. Bryce "talks" alot more than Carter, but Carter understands so much and really listens. Tantrums are a daily occurence and I know that their lack of communications is the catalyst. Bryce is in the repeat phase, so he is willing to try new words and sounds and will just babble his head off as if he is in conversation. I love this!! Carter just puts a sweet smile on and points and he knows a couple of signs that he uses, but he isn't quite ready to put things into words. Plus he has an older sister and brother that love doing it for him :)
I spent much of their little lives pregnant and toward the end picking them up was practically impossible and then a week in the hospital and 6 weeks of no lifting really made me sad. By the time I could pick them up again...they had grown SO MUCH!! They are turning into little boys and I couldn't be happier, although I would love to press the pause button right now.
Carter....Bryce....I love you two so much!! Thank you for teaching me patience...and that I can do anything!!
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