So I haven't been around for awhile....due to lots of randomness that has taken over our here is a recap so everyone can stay in the loop :)
1. Well...we have been surrounded by house projects as we prepare the house to sale...I will reveal some of our befores and afters in a separate post...but the best part of the end result will be that our house will be on the market...and after 15 months of planning...Austin will have a finished nursery :) Ok...maybe there was not that much planning...and a lot more procrastinating.
2. Sickness...antiobiotics....dr. appts OH MY! About 10 days ago Katelyn was diagnosed with strep and put on antibiotics...3 days later...the boys were being treated with antibiotics for the same stuff...and then a couple of days ago we were back at the doctor with Austin...double ear infections. Poor kid...he woke up at 3am one night and wasn't able to go back to sleep until 6:30am...the next night he was up at 4:30 am....the next night up at 11:30pm and back to bed at has been rough. Last night he slept through the ENTIRE night :) I think he is finally on the mend....he looked much happier this morning!
3. Birthday madness...I am putting the finishing touches on KK's decor and party gifts. I LOVE making things lately...the craft bug has bit me and I am enjoying the outcome. It is fun and relaxing to after a long day of crazy in our feels good to sit down with a glue gun and a hobby lobby bag full of fun :)
4. Fun mixed in...since Austin and I spent the day resting and at dr. appt's on Friday, Kev took the 3 older kiddos to the zoo. They had a blast and I loved their recap they gave me when they got home. Bryce just talks and talks...Carter gets so fired up that you cannot understand what he is saying and he also talks with his hands....Katelyn usually translates for me :)
5. Bad mom moment....Saturday morning we had soccer for KK. They did an amazing job running up and down the field...occassionally putting it in the goal...more laughing and running though. The best part of the 3 year old soccer?? Snack time...each parent signs up for a Saturday and brings juice and fruit snacks...and it is all the kids look forward guess who forgot her Saturday??? That's! I apparently signed up for Saturday, October 1st...but I wrote down Saturday, October 8th. Oh the disappointed was a down moment for me. I know worse things have happened...but it just goes to show that we all strive to do, remember, and be everything....
6. Back to Sickness....this morning I am not a work because I woke up feeling the need to throw up...(TMI...sorry!) But fortunately I have kiddos around to bring humor to it....So as I hang my head over the toilet between getting the boys all ready for MDO...Bryce walks in and puts his hand on my back and pats my back,
Bryce: "Momma, what are you doing?"...
me: "Well, buddy my tummy doesn't feel good and I think I might throw up..."
Bryce: "Oh...I sorry..." then he pushes me aside puts his head in and spits....looks at me with a huge grin, Bryce: "I did it Momma, I did it"
He was so proud of himself...couldn't help but laugh.
Happy Monday!!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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