Tuesday, November 15, 2011

iPhone - Tuesday

As I mentioned not long ago...I have re-entered the world with the iPhone 4 and I have been loving it...

So I have been loving some app's lately...mainly games:). Family Feud has become somewhat addicting!! Kevin also found a flik football game...so we may have spent an hour on the couch playing the other night:)

APP LOVE - Kid style
My kids love either Build a Train or Handy Manny...oh, and Katelyn like tracing her letters. Bryce has also figured out Netflix and will sneak off and watch Veggie Tales:)

So I am obsessed with reading on my iPad and iPhone...and my current selection....Janet Evanovich (hope I didn't butcher her name). I have downloaded and read books 1-13 and I am finishing up #14...so only four more to go after that...a little sad...but having my book in the palm of my hands have been UH-mazing....and it takes up so little room...I can't imagine finding a home for 14 more books...any suggestions on what I should read after I finish this series???

So here are random findings on my photos this past week:)

No clue....Bryce likes to take pictures...

Ring around the rosies :)
Swing Time!!

Holding Hands at breakfast time :)
Carter taking over Austin's room
Playing some game that Dad made up :)
My little band :)
Austin playing drums
Again....Bryce stole my phone again
Saw this set up at the movies....took it so I could show the kids :)
The cutest diapers EVER....if I have to have three in diapers...at least they can wear these
A pic I found of me....proving that KK and Austin looked like ME...ME...ME as a baby :)
Modeling her Snow White outfit....Thanks Aunt Korree and Uncle Chris!!

Happy Tuesday!!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Birthday recap....

Well.....I had to take a brief break from everything....birthday week did me under last week :)  So I shall catch up....on this little guy...

My little man has turned one....I cannot believe it!!  Here is a fun fact...this is the first time I have had a child's first birthday and NOT been pregnant....kinda funny huh?

The picture above was taken at KK's birthday party.....on his actual birthday, which was the day before, we spent it as a family of six at home :)  We had a spaghetti dinner, cake, singing and presents.  The kids had so much fun celebrating with their little brother.  They were so proud of him getting to be a big boy!! 

This is one of my favorite pics....they were singing Happy Birthday!

Austin had a blast opening his presents and playing with his brothers and sister.  We are truly blessed for the amazing people we have in our life that blessed us by giving us sweet gifts.  On the day of his actual birthday....we were rushing around trying to get out of the house to KK's soccer game and I stopped for a moment and looked in Austin's room and tears filled my eyes....Kevin came to see we had everything we needed before heading out and found me....an emotional mess LOL.

I couldn't help but think back to the year before...and the 9 months prior....back to March 2010....it was a Sunday night and the boys were in bed (8 months old) and Katelyn was at my parents house.  Kevin had ran to get us something to drink....and I knew something was different...off...and I happened to have a pregnancy test in the bathroom....so I took it...and within seconds I saw two lines....pregnant.  I immediately broke into tears....I was devasted....not exactly the reaction one should have when seeing such amazing news...but at the time...all I could think about was the fact that I was still nursing twin boys that were 8 months old...and had a little 2 year old girl...and at the time a brand new job. 

It took me a good week of tears....talking....and then prayer to start accepting the news....and honestly...I spent a good part of the pregnancy laughing things off...joking my way through....I had endless questions (from strangers) and interesting stares as I would walk by with my 3 kids and big belly :)  I kept getting the same question over and over..."You have your hands full...HOW are you going to take care of 4 kids....they are so close in age!" and I honestly didn't have an answer....I was so overwhlemed....I realized that after having my little man....

I went into labor on Katelyn's 3rd birthday.....and the little man was born healthy as can be....he was placed in my arms after a little while in the transitional room.....and I looked in his eyes and fell in love.  However....after days in the hospital with blood pressure issues...and a panic attack (self-induced) from the oncoming changes....I finally made my way home...and realized that I couldn't do it alone....but by asking help from the Lord, my family and friends....I would be able to take care of 4 kiddos.  Honestly...I came to find out that the Lord put Austin in my life for such a definite purpose...he is truly my calm in the storm. 

I still have my days that are CRAZY!!  But now I love the craziness....including the last little man....my little caboose :)

Friday, November 4, 2011

Born on the 4th of...November:)

My little girl...precious little girl...she turned four today and I CANNOT believe it...the time has seriously flown by!
She is such a joyful child. I love that she can, in a moment put me in my place without even knowing...her childlike innocence that when I am moody, grumpy or completely feeling like a failure...she will simply say, I love you or sing me a sweet song. Then I realize all I have to be grateful for and how little I have to complain about. She has a way of putting things in perspective. She means the world to Kevin and I and it is because of her (and her 3 crazy brothers) that Kevin and I have refocused our lives toward Christ. 
I, of course, never want her to hurt or be hurt...fail or to fail someone...but I know it will happen and I pray that I will be able to help her through these obstacles by support and love.

She dances and sings songs that she LOVES to make up. Instruments, crowns and high heels can be found in or around her at all times. She has a soft heart and can tattle-tale with the best of them. She cries when she is sad and only wants her daddy...she loves checking herself in the mirror and making the funniest faces...she asks questions about life, me and Kevin, school, food, God and toys...she wants to know it all.
She is the best Big Sister around...in her four short years she has welcomed three younger brothers with open arms.  She is the kind of Big Sister that wants to play with them...in her room...with all her toys :)  She is the kind of sister that will run and tell us if someone needs a diaper and grab a diaper, the wipes and then usually throw away the diaper to help out...she sings twinkle, twinkle when Austin is crying or frustrated...and he instantly calms down.  She practices the ABC's with Carter and Bryce and always gives them hugs and kisses every night.  She cheers them on when they do something new...and every time Austin stands on his own or hits a new milestones she grins from ear to ear because she is so proud.  The boys can't go to sleep without praying each night with their "Sissy". 

She wakes up smiling 99% of the time and she gets so excited about things like eating out in a restaurant....going to her cousin's house...or even getting to take a bath. 

She is amazing....and I adore my little girl. 

Now I am just trying to figure out how time flew so fast...

from this....

to this....

Growing up too fast :)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Memories Flood in...

You know those days...moments...in your life that you can literally re-live every detail??

Well...this is one of those days for me...it is such a special day...and here is why....

One year ago...this was the day of my last OB appointment before Austin (at the time we didn't know if it was Austin or Taryn) arrived....

Two years ago...I had just gotten into a schedule with 4 month old twins and putting together a wonderful Birthday Party for my 2 year old girl....

Three years ago...my OB called and said to go buy a pregnancy test...I had finished up my 3rd and final round of clomid and bloodwork results pointed toward PG...so I found out on the day before my daughter's first birthday that I would be expecting baby #2 that summer....about a week later we found out we would actually be expecting baby #2 & #3 :)

But the most amazing day of them all was four years ago...I was 3 days past my due date...we had friends over for the OSU v. Texas game (we lost...it was bad!)...I tallked my husband into walking the mall for hours...and then we settled in back home on the couch...and around 11pm that night...my water broke. 

After a couple of phone calls to the hospital...we were en route to the hospital...to have our first child together...

I will never forget the car ride...how nervous Kev was...I was shaking...but we were smiling ear to ear...we had to stop and get Kevin Coppenhagen....we got to the hospital and walked (I waddled) to the entrance to find locked doors...forgetting it was past midnight and we had to enter through ER...so back I waddled to the car...just laughing...the back labor...oh the back labor!!...the way my husband freaked at the epidural needle and sent my sister-in-law in to hold my hand because he couldn't watch it LOL

It was an amazing day that started on November 3rd...that resulted in the amazing birth of my precious daughter just hours later.

I love how days like these...the memories are still so vivid...and I am sure I will re-live each of them each year :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My first favorite....

Well, first of all....I am SO excited it is November....I love the fall and now I feel we are speeding up into holiday season with family time, fellowship and lots of yummy food :)  So November is one of my absolute favorite months...there are many reasons...but for this post I will cover one....

My sweet nephew....this is a picture of us many years ago....I am thinking he was 4ish??  Today is the eve of his 13th birthday....it is hard to believe thirteen years have passed since he was born.

Before this little guy was born I had NEVER been around a child...much less a baby...I had never held a baby...for as long as I could remember I was the baby....being the youngest with two older brothers I had always been the baby...so when the first grandchild was born...I was a little indifferent...but then I met him.

He was so small and precious....when his parents (my brother and sister-in-law) worked, my mom watched him and I was still at home because it was my Senior year so I got to spend a lot of time with the little guy. 

I couldn't believe how cool little people could be....he smiled...and giggled...he crawled then walked.  He would go shop with me for hours at the mall....and he loved going out to eat with me and my mom.  He wanted me to color with him and he loved to play games...and he always won :)  He made up funny words and would talk my ear off.  He would come visit me in Stillwater at my Sorority house and loved going up and down the stairs.  He played soccer and before long he had a sweet little sister. 

He molded my heart...he softened it and made me realize how precious life truly is....he made me want to have children.  Before...I was never sure that I was up to the idea...I mean I always thought that I would of course eventually get married and have kids...because that what people do...but he made me realize that I would love having children and being a mom. 

I was Aunt Candace first....for nine years.  Then almost exactly nine years after my sweet nephew was born (nine years + 2 days) I became a mother.  It was...and is truly amazing. 

So, Happy Birthday to an amazing kid that has a faithful heart and will touch many more lives with more birthdays to come!!