You know those your life that you can literally re-live every detail??
Well...this is one of those days for is such a special day...and here is why....
One year ago...this was the day of my last OB appointment before Austin (at the time we didn't know if it was Austin or Taryn) arrived....
Two years ago...I had just gotten into a schedule with 4 month old twins and putting together a wonderful Birthday Party for my 2 year old girl....
Three years OB called and said to go buy a pregnancy test...I had finished up my 3rd and final round of clomid and bloodwork results pointed toward I found out on the day before my daughter's first birthday that I would be expecting baby #2 that summer....about a week later we found out we would actually be expecting baby #2 & #3 :)
But the most amazing day of them all was four years ago...I was 3 days past my due date...we had friends over for the OSU v. Texas game (we was bad!)...I tallked my husband into walking the mall for hours...and then we settled in back home on the couch...and around 11pm that water broke.
After a couple of phone calls to the hospital...we were en route to the have our first child together...
I will never forget the car nervous Kev was...I was shaking...but we were smiling ear to ear...we had to stop and get Kevin Coppenhagen....we got to the hospital and walked (I waddled) to the entrance to find locked doors...forgetting it was past midnight and we had to enter through back I waddled to the car...just laughing...the back labor...oh the back labor!!...the way my husband freaked at the epidural needle and sent my sister-in-law in to hold my hand because he couldn't watch it LOL
It was an amazing day that started on November 3rd...that resulted in the amazing birth of my precious daughter just hours later.
I love how days like these...the memories are still so vivid...and I am sure I will re-live each of them each year :)
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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