So lately the "terrible" 2's are alive and well in our house...."terrible" 2's time 2 that is...the boys have not only been pressing our buttons with tantrums and general frustration but they have been making a point to annoy one another.
I am sure ALL siblings do this...but I am trying to figure out this sibling rivalry with twins and it is quite overwhelming! They are both SOOOOO different from one another. They might be twins...but they look different as night and day and act just as different in situations. I had expected to deal with the ups and downs with each of them...but now that they are battling each other, it has made me kinda sad.
I miss the sweet little boys that just followed each other around the house laughing and giggling...holding hands....they would call each other best friends. That has all changed....they still have their moments but for the most part they are constantly trying to wrestle each other, annoy one another or just downright be mean. I am not sure what this is stemming from but we have talked to there teachers at school as well and they have had issues with them too :(. They are great with other kids and super hard on each other.
It looks as though we are going to separate them in different classrooms this summer. I am a little apprehensive...not really sure how they will react. Bryce is so independent and outgoing, I do not think it will bother him, however, Carter is the opposite. It takes him awhile to open up to others and he is quite shy. So I am a little concerned on Carter's behalf that he will feel a little lost without his brother. I am also a little hesitant because they split them in classes by age, and since they are obviously same will go to the appropriate age classroom and one will move up. Hoping that adjustment goes well...
I am sure it is a phase that they are consistently annoying each other....I know they will still have their ups and downs...but I hope some of this blows over. Every time I look at them...I still see these little guys...
My little precious!
Any twin moms out there that have gone through these growing pains?? Any advice??
Hope everyone is having a good week!! Happy Fat Tuesday!!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago