So, this past week Kevin started his new job :) Yay! Since I knew he would be busy all weekend, I decided to take a little road trip with all the kiddos. Well...and my parents....It was homecoming at my dad's college back where I grew up (Jacksonville, TX....aka little town in East Texas) and they were having a 40 year reuion for his team.
Anyway...I plan on posting a few pics once I get them downloaded (hopefuly tomorrow) but wanted to at least touchbase with the blog world :)
We had to take separate cars, since my cars fits two adults and 4 car seats, and a stroller....barely leaving enough room for any luggage...but we made it all fit :)
My parent's were kind enough on the way down to take two kiddos and I took two kiddos. We separated the boys since they have been having fighting issues. We had paper, colors, movies, snacks and a few toys for the car for this 6 hour road trip. On the way back, my parents stuck around a little longer but I decided to head back so I would be able to get back to go to church tonight with the Hubs. So I had all three boys by myself on the trip back....interesting :) But we all got out with smiles nothing to tramatic!
Things I learned...
1.) Road trips used to be my "thing"....I loved the spontaneaous road trip...and I loved being on the road and singing as loud as I could...driving probably WAY to fast and laughing with friends...stopping to get snacks or just taking our time...Now...I prefer planning...getting from point A to point B as soon as unscheduled stops...and no speeding...I have this definite feeling of protectiveness of the little munchkins in my car and want to arrive where we are going safe and sound. Especially when I am by myself with them.
2.) My loud rap music is now replaced with the wonderful songs from Disney and/or Veggie Tales. Both which I really enjoy...especially hearing the kiddos sing them. Favorites to listen to in the car?? Lion King because of the great songs and Aladdin because of the Genie :)
3.) Crayons and paper are only entertaining for about 20 minutes on a road trip...not so good on a 6 hour trip :)
4.) Pandora "The Chair" (George Strait) radio station is me some 90's country...brings back some great memories of high school :)
5.) Happy Meals sometimes truly cause happiness :)
6.) I can wait 6 hours to pee...(TMI?) Just the thought of unloading a one year old and 2 two year olds for me to go to the bathroom gave me the sheer will power to keep going until I got home...I am pretty sure chaos would have occured :)
7.) Had an amazing moment in the car as we drove...I looked back in the rearview mirror and saw my sweet boys sleeping so soundly...and realized how much I loved them...and how much they love and trust me...they had no doubt in their mind to put their trust in me to get the home...and slept cool
I hope everyone has had a great weekend :)
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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