Ok...so it has been a REALLY long time since I posted...basically I just kept thinking I would write a post and I kept putting it off...but tonight I felt like throwing a few random thoughts together in the hopes that I will get back into the habit :)
So my kids are HUGE....literally....Katelyn is half way done with Pre-K, I am 8 weeks away from enrolling the Carter and Bryce in Pre-K and Austin is this little guy with an opinion about everything....it is absolutely INSANE to me!
I could spend forever trying to catch up, however, I will simply start from here and try to document what goes on from now on...or at least attempt :)
Like I said, tonight is random...so here are my thoughts:
1. Laundry...I detest laundry...I will seriously never, EVER be done....I am willing to wash and dry all day....however, the folding and putting away is a whole other story....so I am currently surrounded by clean, unfolded clothes...oh well.
2. Tuesday is one of my favorite days...KK has all day school and Carter and Bryce are in school for a couple of hours, so I have Austin all to myself. He is such a joy to be around...he is such a talker. We had a couple of errands to run and he justs chit chats like such a big boy. He makes me smile! Then on top of that, the boys stay with my parents each Tuesday so after I pick KK up from school it is just girls night! We color, paint our nails, eat dinner together and do a little cleaning. Tonight was so sweet....I walked into her room while she was wiping it down and she is so OCD with her cleaning...at her age I wiped around things...she takes everything off the shelf and cleans under everything and around everything. Way better than I was at her age :)
3. 2013....I cannot believe it is 2013...I had my planner writing in upcoming dates and everyone's birthdays for year...and it hit me...in 2013 we will be celebrating Carter and Bryce turning 4, Katelyn turning 6 and Austin turning 3....impossible....I will also be crib-less and diaper-free this year...I can't decide if I should celebrate or cry...where did my babies go??
4. I have had two amazing God moments this week....the kind that when I would pray or have something on my heart, and then I actually shut up long enough to hear His response. That is usually my problem....the not listening...:) So, he has left me with two things that I am going to put into action and pray about this year. 1) Anxiety...my family has had some recent changes that have hit me like a ton of bricks...so a few days ago I woke up with that feeling in my stomach...the knots and uncomfortable sinking feeling....and I couldn't get my mind off of everything that was wrong and how I could "fix-it" and just a pity party for myself really....and then God placed on my heart to look outward....to not fixate myself on what is going on in my life that is terrible but to trust in God and His timing and to focus on Him and His truth and be a servant to others. It is really hard to be anxious with all that is wrong in your life when you focus on others and how you can help. My default mode is to be anxious...something I plan on working on this year....2) Parenting....I am at fault here that most time I want my kids to act a certain way...in a sense of fitting a mold or doing what I say...and not that there shouldn't be rules, of course, but I am not wanting my kids to detour from discovering their special qualitites and talents that God has given them because they are too busy pleasing me instead of Him. That was the question God put on my heart....Candace, how can they please me if they are worried about pleasing you? I pray that my goals for my children's lives can be aligned with God's goals and paths for their lives. I want to show my children that they are God's children and loved and I am just blessed enough to get to take care of them. His word is the only word.
5. Debt-Free in 2013 - or working on it! So our family is on a much needed frugal way of living for 2013 - cutting out going out to eat, excess in any way (selling things like crazy!!), no new clothes...except the kiddos of course who grow out of everything within 6 weeks :) and making the decision to take care of debt we got ourselves into by buying things we don't need. Please pray for us...it is going to be difficult and with 4 kiddos who knows what unknowns might be thrown our way...so here is to making it happen :)
6. TV Shows...in the effort to have less expenses we opted out of Cable and went the Netflix/Hulu route and I am LOVING it...able to watch this season stuff...and watch old stuff which I think is the best! I just started watching Grey's Anatomy from the beginning....I forgot how much I loved the show back then! So good...and then of course I have got myself hooked to more shows that I try out and end up having to watch the whole season LOL...the only thing we miss about cable...live sports :( but totally worth the savings!
Ok....since I know this was random...but it feels good to write down some thoughts...I would love to post a recent pic of the kiddos...but that would require me actually downloading them off my camera :) That will be tomorrow!
Good night :)
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
YAY for a post!!! You can do it, ha! I know it can be totally stressful trying to keep up with this thing when you're busy but just get to it when you get ther urge!