Technically we have known each other since I was 10 and he was 17...he played baseball and went to school with my brother and hung out at our house on occasion. To me...he was my brother's cute him...I was my brother's annoying little sister. Love at first sight obviously ha.ha.ha.
Fast forward a few years (plus braces, make-up, and a chi) and we ran into each other at Rodeo...yes Rodeo...not the kind with bulls and Cowboys...but a club/bar in OKC...oh the memories. We talked and hung out, but it would still be another 2 years before our first date.
So, 2 years down the road we hung out at a Sonic convention and we never looked back...honestly to make a cheesy story short, he asked me out while at convention in Idaho (yes, Idaho...though I might add it is a BEAUTIFUL place) and said he would call me when we got back to Oklahoma...and jokingly said "If I had a $100 for every time I heard that..." and he handed me a $100 dollar bill and made the bet...and called me the day after we got home from the trip. And then after a year of courting, on June 26, 2005....
we were engaged...yes, I am in my pajamas. I had been in Tulsa the night before and arrived home at 8:15 in the morning...and Kevin was waiting at home and within minutes of me walking in the door, he was on his knee. No bells and whistles, just me, him, our home (at the time) and a ring. Pretty much perfect in my book. Off we went to tell the world.
After a year of planning (my mom planning...which was actually nice, I had not a worry in the world regarding the wedding) The hubs and I walked down the aisle, along with 14 bridesmaids/groomsmens, 2 flower girls, ring bearer, 2 ushers (and a partridge in a pear tree..haha) We stood in front of our closest friends and family and I became a Guy...legally :)
It was a beautiful ceremony that was officiated by my amazing brother....he truly made it a personal and very loving ceremony. Even humorous...about 15 seconds after this picture was taken, I didn't realize that the hubs was on my dress and I nearly fell over...very nice. After the wedding we had a rocking good time at the reception, where we drank too much and ate too little. Then off to St. Lucia....
Before we knew it, we were celebrating a year of marriage...and our first pregnancy!

The hubs is a hardworker...he is an owner/operator of a Sonic Drive-In. He puts in many hours, and has since I have known him. He opened in February of 2001. He truly dedicated himself to his store and I am very proud of all the work he does. I even used to work with him sometimes :)

Next thing we knew

Basically, I am just wanting to say how lucky and blessed I feel that the Lord brought this particular man into my life. He is an amazing friend, husband and father. He works at 110% when it comes to his family and his professional life. I don't know how he does it.
He is up before the sun...and never complains. He is such a huge help to me with the kids and I love watching him with each one of them. He makes a point to develop an individual relationship with each.
Katelyn is such a daddy's girl and it is so sweet. They make up songs (powder & cream...a rap song for after bath), watch movies and read books.
He has an amazing heart.
Well, there is more of a look into our family roots...I know this was lengthy...and probably a tad bit cheesy...but I am proud of my hubs.
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