I mean look at them:

"Hey Mom!"

Carter: "Hey mom...really...he won't quit messing with my feet...wasn't sharing a womb enough..."
Bryce: "Mom...but I love toes...they are so cool...I love mine...and yours...and brother's & sister's..."

I mean...really...how cute and chubby are these little toes?
I have been around babies for awhile now...nieces, nephews...my friends babies. But it is so cool being around twins...most of the time when two babies are in the same room they don't really even notice it...but not these two. They always know when the other is present...or absent. Just being by each other is calming. They hold hands, play footsie and just stare at each other...and smile.
I love watching the interaction. It entertains me most evenings. Another amazing thing, is the attention they pay to KK. They are just mesmerized by her and all she does. She is very hands on with the boys, which I love (although sometimes nervewrecking) but she has learned to be gentle and know her boundaries. She is one smart cookie.
I already see roles developing in all three. Carter seems like a leader, very strong willed...Bryce on the other hand seems like the one that depends on brother, and wears his heart on his sleeve. KK is the nurturing kind and wants to please everyone.
I feel so blessed to have such amazing kids. They truly amazing me.
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