I love the sweet and kind nature of children....I think when I truly let myself put aside all the "to-do's" of the day and sit down with my kiddos...I am my happiest. They truly enjoy the moments...the smiles and the laughs. Nothing is better than the laughter of a child.
Katelyn does this big laugh, throws her head back and puts her hand over her mouth...also her eyes disappear. It is adorable.
Carter and Bryce are developing their own laughs as well.
Carter has a giggle...he is super ticklish and a huge smile comes over his face and he has the sweetest dimples.
Bryce's laugh is more like a grunt/laugh. It cracks me up....he is almost like a little hyena. His laughter is contagious.
Honesty is another amazing lesson from kiddos. Katelyn just tells it how it is....when my room is a mess...(more like, my room is a mess) and KK walks-in and tells me about it. Cooking...if she doesn't like it, I know it. Not rudely, of course, just so matter of fact.
One of the best habits she has gotten us in as a family is to eat dinner at the table. It randomly happened one night...I had been cooking dinner and usually we would turn on the tv and sit in the living room and eat. She would get in her high chair and we would absentmindedly eat dinner. Then one night she asked, "Eat at table?"...what was sad was I almost said, "no, let's just eat in the living room." WHAT!?! What a horrible mom...all she wanted to do was sit at the table with her family. So now every night we eat dinner at the table together and we hear about her day and tell her about ours. Such a wonderful tradition to start now.
I look forward to all the traditions that we will have with our family. My kiddos add so much to my life. I LOVE being a momma!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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