So resolutions are supposed to happen in January...however, since I have fallen off the face of the earth since then (at least in blog world) I figured I would start now. My whole reason of starting a blog was to document my life....and become an famous blogger...okay...scratch that...:) Really....just to have a daily entry of what is going on, and how my kids and well, family are growing. With 8-month old twin boys and a 2 year old daughter....something new seems to happen each day. I have realized that I am horrible at keeping up a baby book (I want to apologize NOW to my kiddos) and although I take lots of is now only in spurts....I will take 100 pictures in a matter of two days....and then break for 1 back to the resolution part....I am taking the vow to blog at least 3-4 times a week. This is actually very relaxing, banging on the keys of my laptop and letting my thoughts be put into print in the world wide web.
So, to make a long story short from last post to are a few things:
Carter - He is now weighing in at almost 20 pounds. He is my round lil' man and has so much dark hair!! He also has crazy hairy eyebrows (which I noticed tonight before bathtime) and I think we are going to have to attack him with wax as he gets older if he continues to grow hair as he does now. He has the best set of cheeks...they are big and kissable. He is, well, cotent to just sit in one spot and play with a toy forever. He can get to tummy position from sitting and roll to get anywhere, but he will not crawl. He started sitting up at a week past 7 months and has wonderful posture...but when it comes to moving, it just isn't happening. Cracks me up really....when he gets on his tummy he moves his arms and legs like crazy and smiles so big....I swear he is wondering to himself "Why am I not going anywhere?". At least this is what me and my mom think. He hates formula....I had nursed up to 8 months and due to circumstances, I had to quit the switch has not been a good one for him. He eats three meals a day and refuses bottles. However, we have started sippy cups with milk (the real deal) and he really seems excited about that. He is such a little bear...I just love him! Oh, he did start clapping first and waving is not done on command yet, but he loves to talk and wave...and clap for himself! He still hasn't got down the art of self-feed, but he sure does like to grab lots of snacks in each hand and play with them. He is such a sweet kid, without a mischevious side to him. Just this honest, loving and kind-hearted face. Oh, and he has various names that we all refer to him....Carter Man, Carter Barter (said best by KK), lil' man....I am sure there will be more...
Bryce....oh my little Bryce....he is EVERYWHERE!! When he turned 7 months old he sat up on his own....3 days later, he leaned forward and started rocking on all fours....6 days later he started crawling and hasn't stopped....he is afraid of nothing. You can walk out of a room and he follows right behind...he will go down a dark hall by himself without a second thought. He loves to crawl to Sutton's (our dog) bowl. He won't self feed his yummy puffy snacks, however, a little kibble and bits go straight for the mouth. I don't get it :) He is now pulling up on various things and I give hime about another 6-8 weeks before he is walking...he is so determined to get somewhere, anywhere. He takes advantage of bubba not crawling too. He will go and steal a toy and just crawl would think, "How mean?", but then you look at his sweet, little face with a huge smile and runny nose (always) and you just want to kiss him. He is my mischevious can just see it, but then the eyes get you and you forget that he is up to something. He is weighing in at about 18 pounds....he is long and skinny....but he eats TWICE as much as his brother. Still haven't figured this out....he did not care at all when he was switched to formula...if it is in a bottle or on a spoon, he says "Yes, please!".
Both boys are so amazing together....they are so aware of each other....when they go to bed at night, first let me say, they are AMAZING sleepers...7:30p-7:00a....they know each other is there. They talk to each other and sooth each other from their own crib. Carter usually does most of the talking, and Bryce will lay there and pull the covers close and just listen and chime in on occassion. Bryce is usually the first to rise...and he will now greet you by sitting on his knees and holding on to the crib. They keep each other company as I am getting KK ready for bed. Carter is still my patient one and Bryce is more demanding. The personalities are so amazing to me. I love seeing how they come out more and more everyday.
Little Miss Katelyn....aka....KK....she is my princess. heart and sweetest smile....yep! She has her days, like us all, and she acts her age at times, but for the most part, she really surprises me everyday with her love and understanding. She LOVES school....Fruit Loop Friday, all the art projects, the instruments and games. Her Montessori school is such a blessing. She is so self-sufficient in so many ways....and she is developing such great habits. She is also developing her brain. She loves letters, numbers and puzzles. She sings...but not only that, she performs. She has such confidence. I swear she is going to be on stage one day :) She tries to sound so grownup sometimes....I have to remind myself that she too is still so little. She loves clothes and shoes. We have fun every morning getting ready. She LOVES a pair of brown shoes she has from Striderite and she wants to wear them almost everyday. Sometimes I hide them from her when I want her to wear another pair...tehehehe. She is still a huge help with her brothers and never pitches a fit when it comes to me having to get the boys bathed and fed and ready for bed. She will just get a coloring book and hang out while I am taking care of things and she will show the boys and I what she is doing and then we make the most of our time together after the boys go down. The biggest thing in her life right now is.....the potty!! She has been doing great!! She is in panties during the day and pull ups at night. She rarely has accidents and is actually starting to tell me when she needs to go and not me ask her 1,000 times...This is crazy to me that my little girl is potty-training....this is such a HUGE step. I am so proud of her...she loves being a big girl! Not to mention the M&m she gets each time she goes. The best part of potty training that I hope I always remember is that instead of going #2 she tells me she needs to make a that is a memory...that I can't wait to share with one of her boyfriends....okay...that would be cruel (but funny)...and I would never do that....but I can't say her father won't!
Baby #4....that's right...I said baby #4....we found out a week ago that I am expecting baby #4 (sorry, I have to keep writing it to believe it :) ) It is still so surreal.....I am so excited with the combination of so many other thoughts and feelings, but above all, so appreciative. Kev and I said that we wanted a big family, and 4 kiddos always felt right. I had no idea that they would all come so quickly, but what an amazing journey this will be. I am 6 weeks along and I am praying for a wonderful and healthy pregnancy and baby. We are not going to find out what we are having so we will be completely surprised. I have my first appt. March 30th. With my first two pregnancies I tried months to get pregnant without luck and then I had to take meds to have my sweet lil' kiddos....and this just happened. God is amazing! So as it is looking....I will have a 2 year old (turning 3 about a week and a half later), 2 16 month olds and a newborn....whoa! Good thing I have a wonderful hubby, a great family, a strong faith, amazing friends and my mom.
Well, that is what is going on....Kev and I are just trying to keep up :) Until tomorrow....
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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