The boys, however, were a different story. When they were young, they just never really seemed interested. As babies, they really had no choice and I will be honest, we did not read every day, but as soon as they could move at all they would wiggle their way out of book time. They were so much more curious about physical activity than a book. It just seemed boring to them. This made me very sad because I LOVE reading. However, around a year old this all changed.
The boys finally would grab a book and bring it to me and actually want to hear the story. We would end each night (and still do) by putting each boy in their bed with their blankie and reading "Goodnight Moon". We even have the oversized version!
Bryce's favorite book is the ABC book and Carter's is "That's NOT my Pirate". Bryce loves to repeat words and Carter loves to feel books that have different textures, so the Touchy Feely series by Fiona Watt are amazing! Katelyn really likes them too.
I have already tried to make a habit with Austin to include him in any reading time I have with the 3 older kiddos. We start each day after breakfast with circle time and we usually grab a few books per child that they want to read. I think Austin will grow up loving his book time!
Here are Katelyn, Carter and Bryce enjoying their book time!

Have a great weekend!
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