That was me this morning....I was in such a bad mood when I rolled out of bed and it was ONLY 6:27 am....that can't be good...granted it had been a rough night due to lil' man. He thought it would be fun to take an hour and a half eating a bottle. Up side was that I caught up on some DVR.
However, it's not like I am up every night....Kev does alot of late night feedings. I usually pump before bedtime and leave a bottle on the counter ready to go for the middle of the night feeding, however, Kev had to be up early this morning for work, so I did the longest feeding ever. Then he decided to get up for good all of an 2 hours later.
So, granted I woke up exhausted, I also woke up feeling defeated. First thought, I do not have the energy to get through this day with the kiddos..... Sad, huh?
But it definitely takes a certain mindset to get through the physical and emotional ups and downs of a day home with 4 kiddos. With the ages of 3 (little Miss Independent, that feels that she is capable of making all decisions) 18 months x 2 (still working on communication, which is frustrating for both boys which ends in tears alot of times) and 9 weeks (nurse...nurse...nurse when we can fit it in and a few moments of bonding), a day at home can include many tantrums, tears and unknowns. Don't get me wrong, I love it, and I love each of them, and we are all learning our routine. I wouldn't change hanging out with my kiddos because they bring FAR MORE (AND MORE AND MORE) smiles and moments of bliss than anything....but it is definitely exhausting and when you wake up on the wrong side of the bed...well, that does not help!
Anyway...we started our usual routine of breakfast for the boys, nursing the munchkin...and then KK usually heads in and is ready for some cereal. We enjoy a little Mickey Mouse, and as all the kids are situated and happy, I sit down with a quick breakfast and my computer...I check my e-mail, my bank account, peruse my favorite blogs and of course, Facebook. On a friend's status update she had the following: Parenting: The Joyful Impossibility -
Well, you had me at the name...and it is exactly what I needed today. It really moved me and helped put things in perspective for me. God is truly amazing. I have posting the link below:
Parenting: The Joyful Impossibility
So, needless to say, today has turned out to be a great day. Time to color, read and use moments of trial within the children to teach. It truly made me appreciate my kiddos more and my role as a parent.
Off to play with the kiddos some more :)
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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