Slow down little are growing too fast!!
So...I can't believe another month has passed. You have grown so much...everytime I look at you, I swear that your cheeks get chubbier :) The best thing about this month is how much you smile and giggle now. Whether its when I am passing you over to your dad or your brothers and sister are sitting down talking to you, you always have a huge grin on your face and a giggle to follow. It is amazing how you just
know who Katelyn, Carter and Bryce are when they approach you. It is such a loving feeling...even when they are "playing" with you (aka hitting you on the head with a toy LOL).
You are constantly are definitely trying to make sure your presence in known and I love it. In a family of 6, everyone is going to have to stand there ground to get a word in edgewise :)
I am not sure of how much you weigh or how tall you are...I will update that next month after your 4 month appointment, but you are definitely in 3-6 month clothing. You are still in a size 1 diaper but I bet that changes very soon!
You are still the easiest baby...this, I believe is a result of your easy going demeanor as well as the fact that you are baby #4, so I am much more at ease with everything. You eat about every 3 1/2 to 4 hours during the day. You are awake alot now and you doze off into naps. I haven't worked you into set nap times but you are doing great at night. You take your last bottle between 8:30-9:00 at night and then you sleep all night and wake up between 5a-7a. You are doing awesome!
I love every little sweet thing about you and cherish our feeding times and our play times that we get during the day. I sit back and smile when I see your siblings react to you and how you all end up smiling and laughing. They are so proud of you and so am I. You are my lil' Buddy! I love you Austin!
He is seriously a doll!!