So, today has been a crazy one...up and out the door to home to eat dinner and hang with the kiddos for a few before it was time for bedtime ritual.
All of a sudden....I look up and it is 9:00 pm...what!?! Where did the time go???
Well, the kids are in bed...and I am hanging in front of the computer and catching up on my Monday night DVR'd shows, and I can't help but think of randomness...such as..
1. How is it that every season I say, "I will NOT watch the Bachelor ever again..." yet, I find myself fast forwarding through commercials to see what happens next...
2. How can I STILL watch shows on the CW? I am pretty sure they are all geared for kids aged 13-18....I am 29...enough said...
3. Why is my laundry never done? I would give anything for someone to come over and fold and put it away...I will wash and dry it...but I am done after that
4. Why do radio stations play the same 5 songs all day...and 3 of them are by Lady Gaga...?
5. How is it that I chase kids around all day...and I am still out of shape?
6. What did we do before cell phones? and laptops? and the internet? These things have not been around forever...yet I feel as though I would be lost without them
7. Why do we get 4 different phone books???
8. How is it possible that my mom is such a great cook...and I am not...I am working on this however!
Anyway...these are things that were on my mind for whatever reason this evening...I think my brain is fried right I am going to go to sleep :)
Happy Tuesday!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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