Well, it is that time to look back at the previous year and reflect...my favorite way of doing so, is through pictures. I know that we all say it...can't believe this year is already over...time flies...etc etc...but man...it is so true. Looking at my kids makes it that much more obvious to me.
It reminds me to not get caught up in what might be, will be, should be....but to get caught up in what is...whether that be a messy house with toys and smiling kiddos...or crying kiddos who need a hug...or date night with my husband with popcorn and icee's.
It reminds me not to worry about not doing it all....I am definitely not looking back on 2011 and thinking about the day I didn't finish the laundry, clean house, bake cookies, or all the other things that fell through the cracks.
I don't remember the arguments Kev and I had, the cries of frustration from the kids, the days I felt like a failure of a mom....there are many of these...but I couldn't pinpoint a day...but I do remember the day my husband gave his life to Christ and was baptized....the day that I got to spend at school with Katelyn and meet her friends....the day that we recieved the news that Bryce's heart was healthy....the day Carter met with a therapist regarding his speech and became a new, and very verbal kid....and Austin's first crawls and then his first steps. All amazing things that I will hold dear to my heart when I look back on this year.
This year my marriage became stronger, and as a mother I became a little more sure of myself and I pray that as 2012 is upon us I will work on becoming a better friend and daughter. Two things that I have put on the backburner that I know I need to work on.
I am fortunate that I can thank my Lord and Savior for all the above...the good, the bad, the tears, the smiles....all learning moments that have helped me on my journey. I am so excited to begin a new year with new adventures on the Horizon....a few things that will happen this year...my husband will begin a new career, I will celebrate my 31st birthday, the twin's 3rd birthday, Kev's 38th birthday, KK's 5th birthday and Austin's 2nd birthday (in that order)...we will play hard....listen more, talk less.....make lots of messes....learn new things....and try to share with those around us the Truth....and have the opportunity to watch friends of mine marry people they love and friends of ours welcome sweet babies into this world.
Here is too ringing in 2012.....I will leave you with a snapshot of our year....
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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