So, tonight I am a momma with a case of some serious, my husband and I took one our twin boys, Bryce, to Children's Hospital for an echocardiogram....and we are supposed to get the results back I am really ready for a certain phone call.
Here we are upon arrival....
They had the BEST Christmas tree....and Bryce went to go check out the Snowmen. This was our first trip to Children's and I loved how decorated the lobby looked.
During check-in time, Bryce kept himself busy playing....
I was going to take a picture of him in the room...being a big boy during the procedure...however, it took my husband and I to get him to lay down and relax in order to do the echocardiogram. All hands on deck basically....He is quite modest and does not like having to sit anywhere without a shirt on...and when he is laid flat on his back he feels this brought on the tears. Poor fella....the tech was SUPER nice...and another tech came in and blew bubbles and brought toys to help out...and it did. He calmed down...somewhat...and they were able to finish up. I had been told that they will not provide much information...not their job...but my husband thought he would try to start he simply asked, "So...what are we looking at?"....all she said...."The heart."....DUH...we knew that we will have to wait on the results tomorrow.
After going through something so not fun for Bryce...we figured ice cream would be a great way to forget about it....
Pretty did the trick :)
So how did we end up getting an echocardiogram??
Well, about a month ago...our sweet, super active little boy...starting acting different...honestly...the first people to notice were his amazing teachers at MDO....they mentioned that he seemed tired...We had added an additional day of MDO each week and started gymnastics, so I figured I had overbooked I pulled him from gymnastics to see if that would help. It didn't. He talked less, played less. He wanted to be held or just sit in my lap. I went ahead and e-mailed my pediatrician because we started to become concerned. He wanted us to watch it for a few more days to see if there was any changes (the week of Thanksgiving) and let him Saturday we realized it was not getting better...and possibly worse. So I went ahead and e-mailed our doctor and we went in that week for bloodwork and x-rays.
After the appointment we left finding out that our little man had a very noticeable heart murmur (one that we knew about...since birth...but after two years he had never had any issues) and the heart looked somewhat enlarged. So that is what sent us to the echocardiogram today.
My mind has been ALL over the place...sometimes I feel like...he is fine...nothing is wrong at all...other times I imagine my little man having to have surgery and I get scared/nervous. I have tried hard to not get too many steps ahead....just want to know what is going on.
With everything going on...I have one memory that sticks out in my head of my little Brycers...after he was born. He was Baby B and the second out of my tummy....when he was born they could not get his heart rate regulated. They took him directly to transitional nursery to work on him....Carter (Baby A) came to the room right away...but we waited...and waited to see Bryce. Finally, 8 hours later a nurse came in with Bryce in her was the first time I really got to look at him in his eyes. She explained that his heart rate had come down however it was still not regulated how they wanted it...and that by putting his bare chest to my bare chest would help. That my heart beat would help regulate his....and so that is what we did...and he laid there...sweet little guy...just him and I and our hearts together. His heartbeat was regulated shortly thereafter...and he got to come stay in the room with me and his brother. I wish right now there was something I could do to make sure his heart would be okay....
So please, whoever might come across this...lift us up in prayer that his little heart is healed and he will resume normal 2.5 year old activity :) Running, jumping, getting into trouble...beating up on his know, the norm...
God is Good :)
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
Candace, I'm so sorry to read this. I am praying for Bryce and your family and believing God for great things. Bring on the good report, Jesus!
ReplyDeletePoor little guy! Prayers for you guys. I know how stressful that must be.