Hello friends! Another (busy) weekend in the books....as I went through the weekend I realized how many time my perspective could have changed my attitude...I can be negative type at times...without even realizing it honestly...so I figured I would try to look at things differently...to appreciate the things that I have :)
This is just a messy playroom that needs to be cleaned....or it is the room where I the kids imaginations run high...sometimes it is a pirate ship, a classroom, a stage...sometimes it is a quiet place where they lay on their chairs...either way, it is more than a just a messy playroom..
This is just laundry....this is actually the perspective I need to remember...it is just laundry...another load that needs to be washed, dried and folded...but sometimes it can wait...and it is okay to not have it done...
This is just another dinner...but after a long weekend full of a working husband....this was actually our idea of date night :) It was also our time to connect in conversation and catch up on each other's day :)
This is just another party....but to this girl it was the best day ever! Seeing that smile just makes me smile....it gets crazy some weekends trying to make it all happen...but it makes it all worth it when I see this baby girl!!
This is just a dirty table after breakfast....nah...this is my favorite place in the morning....I am not going to lie, once the kiddos get up and it is time to get everyone ready and out the door things can become quite chaotic...but there is nothing better than seeing the kiddos eat breakfast together. Carter is usually the first one up...then comes Bryce (who is totally NOT a morning person LOL)...then when Katelyn comes in, Carter always says, "Good morning sissy!!" He is always so happy :) Then I hear Austin talking and I bring him into the room...and when I say, "Tell everyone good morning bubba," he will smile and start waving like crazy! I love it!
These are just clothes....I found myself getting caught up worrying far too much about how I look, I realized this weekend...is it cute enough, stylish enough, etc....they are just clothes...they don't define me or say who I am...I have to remember this and not feel as though I am judged so much on the oustisde...shift my focus to inside instead of outside...
This is just a couch...it is hard to tell in this picture...but there is officially marker all over our new couch...courtesy of my sweet children ;) Confession....I lost my cool completely...I had all the three kiddos (Austin napping) to color on the floor while I put the clothes from the washer to the dryer...I came back in to see them all on the couch with 5 or 6 markers without lids...and I found myself yelling to get off the couch and put the markers down and go to your room...I acted out of emotion before even gathering a complete thought in my head...and then immediately when alone in the living room felt horrible for how I reacted...it is just a couch and I had just hurt the feelings of my three kiddos and I had taught them nothing...honestly they probably didn't even know what I was truly upset about...so after I called them back to the living room and apologized for my actions we talked about their actions and a consequence. I love how even though I am 30 I am still learning lessons everyday...
This is just about the cutest kid I know....well at least one of the four :) His eye is finally starting to heal up completely...yay!

Well, I hope everyone out there had a great weekend :) We sure did...although I am looking forward to a day off with my hubs tomorrow!! Yay!! Date day while the kiddos are at school...good times!
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