It has been one of those in which if I possessed at least one superhero would be the ability to silence whining with the mere blink of my eyes...or ease hurt feelings with just a simple hug...
I have been working on alot of things lately...mainly how I handle these tantrums my kiddos have that leave me feeling overwhelmed, frustrated and helpless. Then BAM! like a slap in the face...that is exactly how they are feeling...overwhelmed, frustrated and a big world around them where people are always telling them, "yes", "no", "not yet", "hold on", etc.
That would leave me wanting to cry too....
Of course I know there needs to be boundaries for how to behave in certain social situations, that we can't just what we want...but they don't, they are learning each day...with each encouraging word I give them and while I am, show them the right way, instead of the wrong way. Teaching them about God...and showing them examples of Faith, Mercy and Grace.
So when they are screaming and crying, instead of losing my cool and trying to "put them in their place" with harsh words, which, sadly I have done....I get down on my knees and hold their hands. A little human contact goes a LONG way...and show them the correct way...and show them mercy and remind them that I love them and I will be there the next time they fall down....not there to make sure they sidetrack holes or hard hard as that is...but there for them after they fall to encourage them to get up and do it again.
Is this easy...not today, picking up the kids from school and Bryce breaking down and answering each thing I said with "No" and "I don't want to"....followed by tears and not listening and sitting down in the middle of the hall refusing to move....after a few deep breaths and moments to gather my thoughts about whether to put him in a bag to carry him along or stand up and demand he move....I gave him a few minutes, a few words and we got is hard to allow your children to have all these feelings of sad and mad...happy is easy to see and deal with...but sometimes when it isn't a big deal to you and you want to say suck it up, you have to put yourself in their shoes and allow them to get through the sad and mad. I am learning it is about boundaries....
Are there consequences? Of course, we have timeouts and we have three rules to be Respectful, Honest and Obedience....if these are broken there is a consequence. But now it is done out of love and as a teachable moment.
This is an area in my life I have alot of growing to do and I will continue to pray for guidance.
I guess, I do have superhero powers....the power of prayer and the strength of the Lord.
Good Night!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
Hi! Just wanted to drop by and say hello!!! Hope all is well!!!