1. Katelyn McKenna Guy
- From the beginning of 2009 until now, Katelyn's vocabulary has become so extensive! She is super smart (just ask her teachers...promise...I am not bragging :))
- She has amazing adapting skills...in the past year she went from being the only child, to a big sister to 2 baby brothers, moved to a new school and also moved to a new house.
- I hope I never forget the way she looked the first time she held Carter...so careful and caring
- She is the most amazing big sister....she always talks to them and tells them about her day...when one cries she always tells them it is going to be ok, she helps feed and gather stuff for bedtime, just because. I have yet to see a jealous side of her...which is amazing to me, and I am so thankful. Oh...and she LOVES good night kisses.
- Kevin and her have made up an after bath song..."Powder and Cream"...it's is kinda a rap really...and she raps it with him every night. She even raps it to the boys when I am getting them ready for bed...and she makes the most serious face when she does it...very funny
- Her favorite song is "Red High Heels" by Kellie Pickler...however, she calls it "Don't You"...because of one of the lines in the song. She knows pretty much all the words now and she loves to dance to it.
- She is a sports fanatic....she requests to watch football and basketball often (more than Dora actually) and loves the OSU Cowboys and OKC Thunder. She attends games often with Papa and Daddy. She cheers and just gets lost in the excitement. I love it!
- She can say her alphabet and count to ten with ease....and colors and shapes are all accounted for...again super smart :)
- She loves watching Spongebob, Dora and Mickey
- She can dance like crazy.....hands on hips and shakes her booty...and occasionally sings "shake your booty...shake your booty"
- She loves her mom and dad (and all family) but her Papa is her best friend
- She LOVES to fix her hair...every morning when we are getting her dressed she looks at me and says "momma...fix my hair?" I love this....
- Random fact...that always cracked me up is that she used to call and refer to her Uncle as "Hi-ya" (think karate chop)
Okay....so I have realized I could go on for days...so I will stop and just say she is an amazing little lady. Full of love and kindness...and the occasional tantrum :)
2. Carter Henry Guy
- He is the greatest nurser....he just sits there and eats...however, not a fan of cereal really...he will now tolerate it, but the kids LOVES veggies
- Started out hating tummy time, however, he now LIVES on his tummy....it is so funny to watch him roll over...he always seems amazed by it
- He is very much an individual and easily entertains himself
- He hardly ever cries...like ever...he just smiles
- He is incredibly patient....he always lets little brother eat...get a diaper change...get dressed, etc, first and never complains
- He is a sweet little soul and I feel like as he gets older...of the three children he will be the calm in any storm
- He is a great sleeper....and has been since the beginning...momma loves this
- He is my communicator....he babbles and coos constantly....I already see that he will probably talk over Bryce
His patience is what stands out to me more than anything, not to mention his incredible smile that literally lights up a room. It takes over his face...his cheeks are so chubby and soft and he has the cutest swirl of hair right up front. I can't wait to see how that turns out as he gets more hair!
3. Marion "Bryce" Guy
- He smiles...and smiles...and smiles...you get the picture....2 words : HAPPY BABY
- Until he is hungry....and then the cry sets in...the "hurry up and get me milk woman!!"
- Little patience....he is all about instant gratification when it comes to food and diaper
- He is a lover...he wants to touch and snuggle with brother ALL the time...when they slept in the same crib he would always turn in to cuddle with Carter, he is very aware of where is brother is and always prefers to be close to him....it is very sweet
- He LAUGHS....he is super ticklish on the bottom of his feet and just giggles anytime you go near them
- His favorite toy are his toes....
- He is my mover and shaker....you leave him alone for 5 minutes and he will roll his way across a room
- He is the quiet type...just staring and taking it all in
His general sweetness is contagious....he always put a smile on my face. He just has this super innocent look about him that I know is going to cause trouble in the future :) Oh...and he definitely keeps me on a schedule...shouldn't it be the other way around :)
Okay...so those are my top three....I feel so blessed that 2009 was filled with such amazing events. I celebrated another year of marriage to a wonderful man, my daughter transformed from a baby to a little girl and turned 2, I carried and gave birth to 2 amazing sons, we sold our first home and bought a new home (and moved while 8 months pregnant!), spent time with amazing friends, landed a new job and even entered the blog world.
I have a feeling that 2010 will be another great year full of challenges and growth. I will not make resolutions that I will fail to keep, instead I will make goals to become a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and Christian.
Onto another year....