Ahhh....such a cutie....my lil' Austin man is growing up WAY TOO FAST...I realize I say this on every monthly post...but seriously...he has gone from baby to sweet little boy in a blink of an eye.
Taking the picture above was a little difficult. I have quite the mover and shaker on my hands. He sees the other kids running around and you can just see it in his eyes...that he wants to run too.
His crawling has become quicker...and he was army crawling and now he is up on his knees and and elbows.
He is not only moving around...but this morning he decided he would start standing up and bouncing in his crib! So tonight we lowered his crib because otherwise he would of been bouncing out of his bed...So he is officially pulling up on things...at 7 months! It is such a different timeline from the boys!
Also this month, Austin started going to Mother's Day Out. He has been once and he LOVED it...and the ladies loved him :) Such a sweet, playful baby and I figured he could use a day out of the house and I will use that day to get the house back together.
Austin is self-feeding and loving all food. He likes cheerios and yogurt melts..and pretty much anything. I am not going to lie...the kids had an oreo the other night after dinner and one decided that they should share and gave a piece to Austin...we caught it a little late, but he didn't seem to mind.
He is still the happiest baby in the world. I love that he still let's me cuddle him and kiss him. He will even still fall asleep on me and we can rest together...but he also sleeps in his bed like a champ. He is on a 7:30p-7:30a sleep schedule and he has 3 meals a day and a snack.
I feel so blessed that God gave me another sweet boy. I love my Austin man!
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