1. My friend over at Sizzlin Savage's hosted a giveaway this week because she hit 100 followers....(sidenote...I only have 15...I am thinking if I double that....and hit 30, I will have my first giveaway....so FOLLOW ME please :)...you can't beat free stuff!!) Anyway...Sizzlin Savage's was the FIRST blog I checked this morning and I WON!! I was so excited...I never win stuff...but I did :) To top it off, it was a Scentsy warmer and a wonderful scent...I love all things Scentsy so I couldn't be happier :) Thank you Nicole!!
2. I worked...I know, you are thinking WHAT!?! I know, I know...I love working...and I only get to a couple of times a week, but I love the people and I love doing what I do so it was nice to go in for a few hours today.
3. I had lunch with my bestie...it was a belated birthday lunch because she has been sick all wekk...poor thing!! But she is feeling better and we went to our favorite restaurant and had a great lunch with great conversation...AND she gave me a Itunes gift card...SCORE!! I am obsessed with downloading books on my I Pad right now, so it was the perfect gift :)
4. I am 3 loads away from having ALL our laundry done :) I know this will only last a short time...but it feels so nice to see an end in sight!!
5. Last but not least...I got to spend the entire evening with my four precious children....check out the latest pic below courtesy of Son-Kissed Photography...Please check her out....she is AMAZING :) Kristen thank you for the beautiful pics!

Happy Weekend!!
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