1. I was born on my due date....which is cool to me...after having 3 pregnancies I think it would have been cool to have had one on the date that I was told from the beginning....from googling this...I found that less than 5% of babies are born on their "due date".
2. Being 30 is surreal...I still remember being 15 years old and thinking how OLD 30sounded...so it is funny to think that I hit that OLD age...however, I do not feel old at all :)
3. I had my first child at 26...if someone would have told me that I would have 3 more by the time I turned 30 I would have laughed in their face...who knew, right?
4. My husband got me the two fabulous gifts below :) He is a pretty good shopper!

5. I can twirl a baton...I started when I was 3 years old and stopped at age 10...I want to teach my daughter now that she is 3...but I am not sure she is that interested
6. The boys birthday is in 2 weeks...and I am SO BEHIND on the party planning...I will be in overdrive for the next 14 days
7. I could have milk and oreos every night before bed...there are some weeks that I do have them every night...
8. I am obsessed with reading books on my I Pad...I have downloaded three books in the last week...
9. My initials are CBG....My oldest brother's name starts with a C and my older brother's name starts with a B...I like that their first initials make up my initials...it is also the reason my twins have a C & B name...
10. I have nothing to watch on TV these days...I usually catch up on DVR after the kids go to bed, but I got nothin'...so I have been watching old episodes of Sex in the City instead
11. I got some birthday money that I am exited to take to Hobby Lobby with me...I have been eyeing a few things :)
12. I am HORRIBLE at Words with Friends...but I still LOVE to play it
So there is some serious randomness...I will be getting back to posting now that I am home and computer is fixed!! Have a great week :)
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