So, when I got home from work tonight, I was in fast forward getting things all together for tomorrow. So we got....
3 bags
3 blankets
5 sippy cups
3 lunch boxes
3 changes of clothes
1 napmat (the other two were taken on open house)
3 sets of clothes laid out for school
3 pairs of shoes
2 diapers
That's all...lucky for me Austin is not going tomorrow. We will however be making a quick trip to Tulsa for Austin's 9 month pictures. Needless to say, things will be CRAZY tomorrow :)
We went to Open House a couple of weeks ago and met KK's teacher and we have signed up as volunteers to help set up the classrooms each Sunday. Since her school is a church, they use Sunday's to set up for the week after church. This is a great way for us to spend time with the teachers and also learn about what they do each week. We had a lot of fun setting up this past Sunday and met great people. I am really looking forward to helping for the rest of the year.
As far as the boys go, we are pumped because their teachers they had last year moved up with them!! They LOVE their teachers and I'm glad that I know who they will be with during the week :)
Getting things back ready for school...I have come across my favorite item for this year....Orbit labels....

I ordered these for each can pick out what color you like, personalize it and your done :) You get a set of four for a super reasonable price and since everything has to be labeled for works perfect! Also, Carter and Bryce have a different color and so now they can identify their cup and they have really worked on learning their colors so they can give their brother and sister the right cup.
Well, I am sure I will post a pic later of the kiddos first day...but I will leave you with a pictures of the kids on our way to Open House.
Good night!!
mmmmmmmmmmmmmm lovely, her lil panties barely cover her pu--y I would love to be between her legs