Ok...so this will be somewhat serious....and somewhat comical...there are many aspects of parenting that scare the you know what out of me....it started with the normal fears of bringing home a newborn...feeding schedules, lack of sleep, when to feed solids...should I give Tylenol, vaccines....eating cheerios off the floor...formula vs. breastmilk...always wondering what was best...and eventually finding out, ultimately, there was no right answer....it actually ends up being what best works for us....
I know that I have done things that some parents would cringe at...but between my "mother's intuition" and trusting my pediatrician....I have made decisions that have best worked for our family. It still makes me laugh that I will say something that my kids are doing....and I get feedback on how I am doing it all wrong...by a complete stranger :) Go figure...
Since having Austin (precious baby #4) just 3 years after having Katelyn (sweet baby #1) most "new baby" fears were out the window. He just goes with the flow :) So now that we are approaching the 1st birthday of Austin (tear...sniffle, sniffle), I am looking into the near future....and the not so near future of things that I am just not ready for....
Potty Training
This is a current battle I am having...I have two 2 year old boys that I am honestly dreading (don't judge) to potty train. One has a little interest...one has no interest...and I am not emotionally, physically ready to start this process....this is why it is on hold. However, I realize it is in inevitable that the boys MUST learn how to use the bathroom without a diaper :) I think it is just the idea of getting both of them trained...and turning around and seeing that it will be time to train Austin....that is ALOT of potty training. I still stand by the hope that Austin will magically potty train himself after watching two brothers go through the process LOL....ok...maybe not
ER Trips
With 4 kiddos....3 being boys....I can only imagine the ER trips we might take...the very fear of my children being injured scares me. But, yes, I know it will eventually happen. My brother's had there trips in and out from falling off four-wheelers, playing sports, etc...I had my trips with broken arms and sprained ankles....so I know it is going to happen...and man I hope I can keep my cool. Prayer will be my best friend, I know...
Broken Hearts/Breaking Hearts
Ok...this is two-fold....first, I hate the idea of my kids heart ever being broken...whether it be by failure to achieve a goal, not making a team, not feeling included, or feeling lonely. We have begun their little lives with teachings about Jesus...and the love they have no matter how alone they may feel. I pray that this remains their foundation and they seek Him in time of comfort. On the other side...I pray for my children to have kind hearts...that they do not hurt another person in any way. I, of course, don't want to have a child that bullies, says hurtful things or decieves others. In all honesty, I know that both of these things will happen. I pray that these are situations that I can use as teaching tools for my kids.
I know that, yes, I am on Facebook...but I can't imagine the day that my kids are...what if they won't be my friend!?!
Cell Phones
The bills, the texting, the inability to spell words correctly due to texting...you get my idea...I do not want to lose my kids to technology. There will be some serious rules around this one :)
The first boyfriend/girlfriend
So...I know I got a while on this...(at least I better) but, as a parent...I am just hoping this never happens :) Too much to ask?? Well, if it does...I am hoping that my daughter has a good head on her shoulders....and that I raise my boys in a manner that they KNOW how to treat a lady.
Driving Cars
I did not get my license until I was 17 years old....I was in a wreck 3 months prior to turning 16 and it scared me off the road...until I was 17. So, I am not looking forward to the kids driving off into the sunset....I might just be one of those crazy parents that puts GPS on my kids cars/phones/whatever device they have to keep track of where they are at all times. I know this sounds like I expect the worst from my kiddos...I don't...but I just have these fears of the unknown happening.
Senior Trip
All I have to say is....my kids will not go...nothing good happens on these...people disappear...rules are broken...things get bad. We will take a wonderful family trip instead :)
Ok...so I KNOW this is random...but these are things that I think about when I look into the eyes of my sweet little children. I know that God has a plan for their life...I pray that I am able to give them the tools they need to seek that life.
Happy Thursday!!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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