Well folks...I had a crazy busy day so I am just leaving a funny story (at least to me) that I wanted to write down before I forget....and these days my memory is very limited LOL.
So it was last weekend....and we went to Cracker Barrell with my parents....so we had the 4 adults and the 4 kiddos...and the kiddos had been in rare form all day. Once we got sat down, all the kids seemed to calm down and we were able to order and get drinks and settle in.
Of course this lasted only a couple of minutes...because Bryce says "I need to go potty...." well, this is coming from a child that has NEVER done anything in a potty, besides sit on it and read a book. I have not yet attempted potty training...I am not mentally prepared. However, if one of the boys is closer to the concept, it would be Bryce. So I don't want to ignore his attempt....so I say alright...let's go...and then....
"I need to go potty too..." (KK)
"Me too...me TOO!" (Carter)
Well, OF COURSE the other two kiddos would chime in and want to go...and who wouldn't :) So, I agree and unload the boys out of their high chairs and we head to the bathroom. Which is in the General Store of the restaurant...which has about 1,000 things to deter a toddlers attention...but anyway, Kev agrees to go with me and the crew and I figure I am in the clear. KK is a breeze to take to the potty.
However, as we begin to separate to BOYS and GIRLS bathrooms, the boys decide they want Momma....and KK then wants Dad. So, in I go with the boys....and we find a stall. Bryce sits down and wants to sing....we sing the usual, Veggie Tales, ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle....and nothing...but of course he announces, "I done" and wants to play with the toilet paper. Carter, not to any surprise, refuses to sit down on the toilet...so I take the opportunity to go potty myself. I let the boys know that momma needs to peepee (TMI ?? Sorry!)and they say..."OK!" and start playing with the door....of course I tell them to stop, and of course they don't listen...and they unlock the door and walk out to find daddy....leaving me with my pants around my ankles...in a public restroom...and not only do they leave the stall...they walk out of the bathroom!!! They heard Kev's voice outside the door so I am yelling to make sure Kev has them....and trying to get dressed.....I just started thinking how funny it was because the boys had no idea....or care in the world.....Crazy boys....I am pretty sure I will have some LOTS and LOTS of stories that pertain to me, a couple of boys and public restrooms....I hoping I am fully clothed in the remaining stories.
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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