So there is nothing better than hearing how cute your kids are when out and about....however, they are things that I have noticed change when you have twins.
After I had KK, we would go to the mall/target/etc and she would be all dolled up and sleeping so sweet in her stroller...and on occasion people would stop and say "how cute!" or "how old is she?"...and then we would go on our way of shopping.
However, when I go out with the twins...1 in every 3 people stop and first ask "are they twins?"...uh...duh...why else would I be pushing around two infants in a's not like I had them 3 months apart...and what is the likelihood of it being a niece or a nephew...this then leads to every inappropriate question in the book...some of my favorites include:
"Are you breastfeeding?"
"How long did you carry them?"
"Did you have a c-section?"
"How much weight did you gain?"
"Have you lost your baby weight?"
"Do you work?"
"Are you having any more?" (followed by disapproving look)
These are questions that even family haven't asked...however, a complete stranger will come up and ask 1 if not all questions and stare at me as though I should answer...maybe I should throw in all my high blood pressure stories and how I may never fit into my clothes again.
What takes the cake though is when we are out with all 3 kids...a 2 year old and 2 5 month olds...this definitely raises eyes...and what is funny...they always approach us and say something about the twins and never even look in KK direction...(which is a pet peeve...I know twins are interesting...but there is a little girl there that keeps saying hello...QUIT IGNORING HER...and get out of the boys face, thank IS flu season)
Anyway, once I say something about KK, the statement always follows, "How do you do it?" Just so you know..there is no REAL just do it...then..."You have your hands full" again...duh.
Most of these statements come out so deragotory, it amazes me.
Yes I will admit, life is somewhat crazy and hectic for some portion of every day, but it is also magical to have 3 kids...and yes that sounds cheesy and I meant it too!
Anyway...moral of this post...think before you speak...and yes...they are twins.