Well, little man.....our Cinco de Mayo was extra special because on that day you hit the 6 month point....1/2 a year....180 or so days...unbelievable. We started a day with a trip to the doctor and got your stats.
Height - 26.25 inches long
Weight - 16lbs 7oz
You spent the rest of the day sleeping. Apparently your shots made you sleepy! Sister was with you at her 3 year appointment and she held you hands during shots. It was very sweet.
The whole family absolutely adores you. The boys love to lay on their belly with you each morning when they get up. They talk to you you and hug you. Kisses are in abundance as well.

You are getting stronger and stronger each day. This past month you have been getting up on all fours and have begun rocking a little bit. You also can sit up by yourself for moments and if you have a toy in front of you, you sit up for a lot longer.

You are an eating anything we give you. You love all veggie/fruit/meat or any combination of the three. You are still nursing and do so a few times throughout the day. We are going to start you on cereal next week and you will be on 3 meals a day. We are also going to start introducing the sippy cup so we can transition you off the bottle by 9 months or so.

You started sleeping later in the morning...you got up this at 9am! You like your sleep time :)
You are such a joy to be around. You smile, coo and giggle all the time. Strangers love to talk to you, friends love to hold you and momma loves to lay down and cuddle with you. I want to to press pause on you...you just keep getting SO BIG and before long I know I won't be able to cuddle as much because you will be on the go! So I am trying to take in each moment with you and enjoy all the small things as much as possible.

We have left you places for a night, however, today we are dropping you off at Granny and Papa's for FIVE NIGHTS!! You will stay with them while Mom, Dad and KK are in Orlando. I am excited about our vacation but sad to be away from you (and Carter and Bryce) for such a long period of time. However, I know you are in good hands and you will have a good bonding time with your grandparents.

I love you little man...you make me so happy! You have truly taught me to enjoy the little things and to not live in such a rush. Sometimes 24 hours a day just isn't enough time to enjoy all your smiles and love. You are such a blessing!
Happy 6 months!
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