Anyone else a fan?
Well, if not, you should be.
My Publisher is software that is free to download to make books full of memories. I have been using My Publisher for about 4 years now and have made books full of pictures to remember births, birthdays and vacations. It is super user-friendly and affordable.
Back in the day, I used to think I was creative. During the beginning of the scrapbook craze (that is still very much a craze), I thought, when I have kids I will scrapbook and have these beautiful, elaborate and brag-worthy books that they will cherish for years....I was SO WRONG.
I can hardly keep up with a baby book. I would use the excuse of 4 kids but it just isn't true...even when I just had Katelyn I had a hard time keeping up with milestones. Hopefully I will never get quizzed one day on all her "firsts" because I honestly don't know. I can tell you a time frame, but as far as day, it would be a shot in the dark. Sad, huh? (Another reason for me to blog...it is the closest I will come to keeping up with what is going on)
Another downfall of mine...actually printing out hardcopies of photos. I have so many pictures on my computer....and probably only 0.0001% printed out. When I do print them out, they usually end up in a box completely unorganized or forgot about. If they do make it out of the box and into a frame it is a small miracle. Problem with frames though, there are only so many frames you can put out before it looks like TOO MUCH.
So these amazing books that have been able to fix my problems. I can build a book (or they can do an autobuild if you like)and TADA! Instant memories captured in a great coffee table book or a small mini book. You can do picture only or you have the option to tell your own story. I have made 3 books and Katelyn loves to sit down with them and read about her story.
I spent the better part of yesterday catching up on books. I was able to do the book for the twins birth (only 2 years behind LOL), their first birthday party and Austin's birth. I have two more on my list right now that I want to get done by the end of the week.
They aren't only great for me to have at my home, but we have also made books and given them as gifts at Christmas for the grandparents. We did mini books last year of our family pictures and it turned out great. My Publisher almost ALWAYS is having a deal for a percentage off or a BOGO offer.
Right now, if you go to their website you can enter your e-mail and you get a code for buy one, get one (if you are a new customer). If you have ever used them they are offering up to 75% for Father's Day.
Just so you know...this is purely my opinion and I have never had any contact with them to push their product. It just makes my life a little easier when I am trying to keep my life organized and I thought I would share.
What do you use to capture your memories?? Do you scrapbook? Are you great with photo albums? Do you know another website that makes great products with photos? I would love to hear!
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