So I figured I could probably do multiple posts on Orlando...the fun nights at dinner with family, the daily trips to Universal, pool time with the kids, but I figured a few brief words and PICTURE OVERLOAD would do our trip justice :)
So we left May 8th and flew out with 12 other family members. 10 other adults and 2 of Katelyn's cousins. It was so fun to be able to interact with our family that we do not get to see as often as we would like. We started the first night with a group dinner and then hung out at Citywalk.
We started the first full day at Isle of Adventure where Katelyn had a BLAST at Seuss Land. She road the "One fish, Two fish" ride and then we road the train through Seuss Land. We also hit the crazy Seuss carousel and ended up at the play area with spraying water and jumping in puddles. KK is 39 1/2 inches tall, so she just fell short of the height for most rides, but we definitely made the most of it! She did end up making the cut for the Spiderman ride...but was not one of her favorites!
Day number one ended with some pool time and then Katelyn taking a 4 HOUR NAP!! Between the day of travel and then a day full of sun, she was wiped!! So needless to say we had a late dinner and then Kev and I ended up staying up watching the Thunder 3OT game.
Something I did find out on vacation was that Katelyn IS NOT a morning person!! She slept in everyday that we were there...which in return meant, so did I :) It was wonderful!
Day number two we headed to Universal, and we hit up Barney Land. KK loved it! We went and saw the show and she sang all the songs and this is where we made our first purchases. Barney had a great play area and was age appropriate. We then headed to a water area that was based on Curious George. Let's just say, her and I ended up soaked! It was a lot of fun and felt great on that HOT was so fun watching her run and giggle. We spent the majority of our time there, but we did hit up the Woody Woodpecker rollercoaster, and we wandered around and had lunch with the group. KK also got to meet Dora and Diego in the Nick area. This is where we made our next set of purchases. We saw Spongebob from afar, but she was a little too shy to actually approach him...not that I blamed her...a huge yellow plastic sponge...probably a little scary to a 3 year old :)
Our 3rd day, we asked Katelyn what she wanted to do and she wanted to head back to Seuss we did a mini repeat of day one and then she was ready for the pool. We spend 4 hours at the the effort to keep her up until dinner time because a nap was not exactly working in...however, she ended up crashing on her dad's shoulder for a while before was precious.
We loaded the water taxi (which was our main mode of transportation for the trip) and I couldn't have been happier to have those days with Kevin and Katelyn. We had an amazing time and I was able to just hang out with my princess. Don't get me wrong, I missed the boys like crazy!!!! But it was nice to be able to give my full attention to Katelyn for a few days...I hope as she gets older we are able to go on little Mother/Daughter getaways! you go...picture overload of our trip to Orlando!
Good times! Orlando was a blast! Have a great Monday!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
Very nice and want knw more about this article ..I really enjoyed reading it..plz keep updating..