So it is Tuesday....and honestly, I have not been up to much worth a full post, so I figured I would throw together a little of this and a little of that and a few pics. Since the kids are napping, I got to play with picnik :)
Last night I had the joy to go to a Women's Bible Study at my church and I met some amazing women. I feel that I am being led into new friendships and I am excited. I still think it is funny being almost 30 and trying to make new friends...I was nervous before going inside :) My DVR is on absolute overload....I can't believe that on Monday's I record 5 different shows...that is a little much...and then I spend more time staying up to catch up on television than going to bed to get any rest....Carter woke up this morning happy as can be and then BAM...fever...only slight...but he went down for a nap 2 hours ago and has not moved an inch...little man must have an ear infectionI am 1 load away from being DONE with laundry....however, I still need to hang up ALOT of clothing...however, I will look at this as my glass is half full :)I went grocery shopping and saved $ I am no Extreme Couponer...yet...but it is fun to save $$$$Friday night we went to a cookout and I got to see girls I went to high school with and hang out with their was ALOT of fun...but it did wear Kevin and I out....keeping up with all four is challenging
I am getting excited for the Thunder game tonight, 2nd game in round 2...we are down 0-1 in the it is a MUST WIN, as my husband would say :) Thunder Up! 
I am obsessed with budgeting...Dave Ramsey spoke at our church Sunday...(via video) and he has inspired me to go full force!! Bring it on Excel!!
Last but certainly not is my sweet mom's birthday...and I got to spend the whole day with her :) So thankful for her and her ability to love and give
So that is ALL over the place...but that is ok...Hope you are having a GREAT Tuesday!!
I Love this post:) Love the pic of kk and austin! So presh! Miss you guys!!
ReplyDeleteAL and I were thinking of coming to okc soon and maybe go to the zoo.... thoughts? Love you
I love that idea :) Please come visit!!! Love you!!