I kid, I kid...I wouldn't do that to you guys...I will however pick my favorites from what we referred to as our "practice" vacation this past week.
This year's annual work convention for my husband was in Dallas, TX. This is just a short 3.5 hour drive from our house...but with 4 kids we were a little nervous. Not only that, this was our first trip as a family of six without my parents nearby to help us out....so I was a little apprehensive...Kevin in meetings for a full day...me in a hotel room full of kiddos with only a handful of toys to entertain...it's not exactly an easy task to get 4 kids out and about while I am flying solo....so, all I could think, "Can I handle this!?!"....
Well, sure enough I did, well, we did :) We had a great time and it cracks me up how easily kids are truly entertained. I had such a blast seeing the kids face light up with every run down the hall to simply press the button for the elevator. Or how they couldn't wait to ride down an escalator...or hold hands to walk down a street full of tall buildings and see a crane working on a building.
Our kids also love going out to eat :) This is something we do on occassion at home, but being out of town we were in full force of high chairs, crayons and mac'n'cheese :) Honestly, the kids did great on all going out experience, minus one night that was slightly crazy...courtesy of two tired little boys LOL. However, my favorite compliment in the world??? Sitting at a table and strangers telling us how sweet our children are and how well-behaved they act...we have many evenings of screaming and crying...but they all disappear when you actually get the kind words of strangers. I truly feel that God puts these people in our life to give us the encouragement to keep going on those challenging days we have with our kiddos. Also, our kiddos say our prayers for us before meals (a sweet song they have learned at MDO) and we got lots of smiles from strangers because our kids are a little loud when singing grace :)

We were able to see friends that we work with with their kids. They were so sweet that on the day of meetings....instead of everyone heading out of the hotel...the other moms and kids came to our room to play so I wouldn't have to get out all the kids by myself.

We also took the kids to the Dallas Aquarium and the Arboretum and they loved it! We had such a great time as a family checking out new sites and laughing and enjoying nothing but time together.

I know it is funny to call this a practice vacation...because it was an actual vacation for us...but it was the first one...and we were glad it was one that we could test out on a short drive with the kiddos. We are hoping to make a little longer drive to San Antonio in October....we will see :)
So I hope you enjoyed the (very) minimal picture selection of some of my favorites :) Thank goodness for collages :)...BTW...I truly tried to get pics of all 4 kids together...however, as I have mentioned before...4 kids all looking at the camera at once....well, it's impossible...
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