First off, I hope everyone is having a wonderful Friday!! I am looking forward to a great weekend, Date night tonight with hubby, baby shower and church tomorrow and a Sunday of fun with our blow up pools!!
Here goes....
This past week my lil' man turned 8 months is so crazy how fast he is growing!! He crawls everywhere, pulls up on furniture, has started eating table food (LOVES to self-feed), he is off the bottle and sleeps like a pro!

The boys have been really breaking in their new toys from their party...and one of their favorites?? Bowling (Thanks Owen!!) They love setting up the pins and Carter actually understands the concept of rolling the ball...Bryce on the other hand gets frustrated, picks up the ball and throws it at the pins to knock them over...or kicks them :) But they get so excited when they fall over...they will scream "YEAH!!!" So cute...

The kids were super excited about MDO this week...they got to go two days in a row since Monday was a they were full of creativity (as usual!) and made lots of fun art!! I can't believe how many things I already have of the kids...I always take pictures of them because I am going to turn them into an art book on MyPublisher (eventually!) Here is a sample:

The boys are two now, so of course the first question I hear from most is, "Are you potty-training?"...and my answer, "Heck no..." LOL...honestly we don't know where to start...KK was SO two boys seems so overwhelming...Bryce seems interested...Carter has no interest at all...So we decided we would try bribery....
Here is what we have ended up bare bottomed and one fully clothed playing in the bathroom for 1/2 an hour :) Sorry if the pic is TMI...but I have to capture these moments so I am able to show them to their prom dates one day...

Last night we decided to see how I kid's measured we decided to dedicate a wall in the playroom to measure the kids...and I will figure out a way to frame it out and make it cute...however, this was just a spur of the moment happening...we can't believe how big the kids are getting!!

Well, there you go...a whole lot of everything!! Sorry that was all over the place...but that is our family in a nutshell for the week!! We also had the pleasure of having dinner at my brother's house with his family and friends, my friend Shannon coming over yesterday with her sweet son Evan and a couple of fun work days with me with my favorite ladies!!
Have a great weekend and I will talk to you next week!
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