Well it has been a great week! Although the temperatures are increasing by the minute...I am blessed that God has given us a week of healthy children and sunny skies to play in!!
I have had various things going on and have not been so great at updating this thing...so I figured I would just through a random post together...
1. Kevin and I watched Country Strong....definitely not what I expected...afterward Kev said he is in charge of picking movies LOL...I did however download "Give into me" on Itunes...what can I say? Beau was my favorite part :P
2. I have kept the song "Today is the Day" lyrics by Lincoln Brewster (well, the chorus) in my head all week and it has kept me strong and connected to God all week when I had doubts and troubles...love a great song!
3. Kevin's 37th birthday is tomorrow....I can't believe it! In a couple of weeks it will be 7 years since we started dating...July is a good month!
4. I have decided that Katelyn is way more tech savvy than I could have ever been at 3...she can work my I Pad better than me most of the time LOL
5. At the Movies starts at my church this weekend (LifeChurch)...and I am pumped...this is our first experience!! Our church has been transformed...if you are looking for a place to attend this weekend...you should head out! Services Saturday AND Sunday!
6. If I could have a moviethon right now I would watch: The Proposal (actually I am watching that right now), Confessions of a Shopaholic, Definitely, Maybe, Devil Wears Prada, Monster-in-Law and Sixteen Candles...my taste in movies is obviously not Academy Award winning :)
7. We had quite the evening last night...we decided we would venture to the movies to take in Cars 2...man I wish I had a camera phone in times like last night...it was precious! We got each kid a Kiddie Pack with popcorn and fruit snacks...they were so proud of their box! They each held onto it and walked into the movie so excited! Kev sat at the aisle, then Bryce, Katelyn and Carter next to me. I held Austin and he ate puffs. The kiddos were in a popcorn trance and when the movie started they were in awe!! Carter yelled, "Momma...it's CARS!!!" Biggest.Smile.Ever...they lasted for an hour...and probably would have lasted longer but I had gotten up with a fussy lil' Austin who was wanting to crawl and the kids were curious to where we went (actually Bryce lost his mind and screamed and cried...gotta love 2 year olds LOL) we left and let me run around the play area. I still think 4 kids three and under at the movies for an hour is a success story!
8. I took all four kids to the park today....by myself...successfully :) It was a great day...tomorrow we are headed to a Splashpad with friends...it has taken me almost 8 months to feel comfortable to get out with all 4 kids without Kevin...it can be quite overwhelming but with lots of prayer, my confidence is boosted to face it!!
9. Austin pulled up tonight on the couch...I see a cruiser in my near future!!
10. Excited that we don't have any traveling Fourth of July plans...we will be watching fireworks here in Piedmont. Lots of resting and pool time in our blow-up water park :)
I hope everyone has a great weekend and enjoys time with family and friends!! As we enjoy our independence, I will think of those who got us where we are today and those that continue to fight for our freedom. God Bless!!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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