A day with four kiddos is challenging...yet rewarding and at the end of the night we all say our prayers together and end it with hugs and kisses.
So I figured I would capture today...a real day in my life and my house...I know sometimes when I read blogs, I truly appreciate the posts that are "this is me...and I am ok with that"...so here goes :)
At our house...
we start the day with a blanket skirt...she got this from me. She was cold...and this keeps her hands free so she can do what she wants and stay warm...I am thinking this is better than the snuggie :) Love the hair...
We eat Cheerios...usually two bowls each...

We smile and giggle at our brothers as they eat their Cheerio's....
We have a messy house...dishes in the sink...barbie drying in the sink...clothes to be hung...bags of clothes that NEED to go to Goodwill...but of course, they all stay where they are because we have things to do...

We become doctors...we wear fairy wings and high heels (even the boys), we have campouts and eat all meals as picnics...we even hang out in our lil' brothers room so he doesn't feel left out....

On occassion, mom needs a shower...so on these days we wait until Austin is in bed napping...and then I head to the shower, with the pitter patter of 6 little feet. I normally shower with the door 1/2 open so I can keep an eye on the three munchkins...today they decided the closet would be fun...and high heels.

Since it was a super hot today, the kids took a bath....for an hour...they loved it! Afterwards...they were READY for naptime...and mom was ready to get some stuff done...

This is just a smidge of the stuff I need to tag for the upcoming JBF (Just Between Friends) sale. Is it me...or do my kids have WAY to much clothing???
After naptime...comes snacktime...which is their favorite time of the day :) We have random snacks...grapes, yogurt, pluots, fruit snacks...but today we had cheeze its...the scrabble kind...which they love to look at the letters, and say "Mommy...what's this??" It is super cute!!
After this...there is much more playtime :)Running, screaming (1/2 for fun, 1/2 because someone hit someone else...)Next thing you know it's dinnertime...Dad was in charge tonight...and it was a hit! Spaghetti night...a first for Austin! Shirts optional...of course :)

A little bit of clean up and a quick change into jammies...love those sweet kiddos!!
Whew.....now that is a packed day....add in approximately 12-15 diaper changes, at least 5-10 tantrums, countless hugs, a few boo boos and lots of sweets words...it is just another day at the Guy household. Messy house and all :) I wouldn't change it for anything...
(Sidenote...I STILL need to tag JBF stuff...I came home to clean dishes courtesy of my husband....I got 1/2 the clothes hung...and well, Barbie is still naked in my bathroom sink)
Good night!!
love to have your daughters dirty panties so I can sniff and lick where her c--t was