Well it has been quite a week for us, so I figured I would just summarize by doing a post with a little of this and a little of that.....here goes...
1. Last I posted was on my 5 year anniversary....it ended up being such a great evening...we saw two movies...Something Borrowed, which I wad a little disappointed in after reading the book, and Bridesmaids....which was hilarious. We ate too much popcorn and candy...it was perfect.
2. Last Sunday was KK's first dance recital....I plan on doing a post on just the recital, when I actually upload my pics....so I will just say that it was WONDERFUL,
3. Tornadoes.....boo....living in Oklahoma, you get used to the endless watches and warnings...the constant weather updates and the faces of all our meteorologists this time of year....and on Tuesday...what they all predicted proved to be true. I endlessly watched the radar at work....kept calling Kevin about being nervous about the weather and we ended up being told to leave work early so we could all get home. My mom was at my house with all 4 kiddos and I was so happy to get home to them. We walked in the door and begin to prep us all....sleeves and hoods on the kids, as well as shoes and their blankies. We do not have an underground shelter, so our plan was to take cover in our master bathroom closet. It is tiny, especially for six people, but it was the safest choice. Kev kept watching the TV screen and the kids played in the bathroom....and then the electricity went out. This is the first thing that made the kids antsy...all we could hear were the loud beeps of the weather radio...then they announced it was over 206...which is down the street from us...Kev rushed out again to look out the window...as he came back in he brought in with a second matress and looked at me and said it was coming straight at us. I have never been so scared in my life...not for me, my house, but for my kids...at this time Kev told me to cover the three kids with my body and the boys freaked out and begin screaming and sobbing....KK sat so calmly and reassured her brother's that " Sissy is right here...don't cry" and sang them the ABC's over and over. It brought tears to my eyes. My mom held Austin tight who was covered in a coat with a hood and my mom wrapped her and him in a foam eggshell thing that you use on beds. He was upset at first and my mom sat there and prayed and he fell fast asleep and slept for the following two hours. We were so blessed...it got loud and scary but we were just outside of the path. it missed us by less than 1/2 a mile. The neighborhood that was diagonally behind us was leveled. Please keep those in your prayers that lost homes, people and animals in the storms. Our town will be cleaning up for awhile, but it is amazing to see how many people have stepped in to help.
4. On a happy note....when I went to work on Wednesday (late....very late) I got to sit down with our CEO. I had missed a morning meeting so she caught me up...and then thanked me for my hard work. Now this might seem odd because if you read my blog, you probably are like, "you only work like a day a week" or even " you work?" ....so I will explain. I work at an advertising agency....I started working for this company right out of college...it was my first Big Girl job....and I loved it...I worked there for 5 years...due to some circumstances outside of my control, I left (on good terms) for 4 months to work somewhere else...but after finding out I was pregnant with #4....I ended up leaving that job knowing daycare for 4 would be impossible. However, I LOVE to work...so my old job welcomed me back with open arms to work a couple of days a week to help out...and I consider it my Mother's Day Out....but back to my convo with the CEO...I felt so happy that they were still happy about me being part of the team....that I was overwhelmed when she handed me my "thank you" gift....a new I PAD 2....I couldn't believe it...I am blogging from it now;) I love it...and so do the kids...lotsmof fun activities
5. Anyone have big Memorial day plans? Not us....I am hoping to find some great sales though....Carter's feet decided to have a growth spurt...so all the shoes I just got him for summer...are ALL TOO SMALL....at least I can pass them down to Austin.
6. I finally decided it was time to get real....with my clothes...I cleaned out my closet to get rid of all the "this will fit one day" and "I will find SOMETHING to wear this with" items. So far I have 5 huge bags to donate to Goodwill. I love purging....
7. I signed up for Pinterest...and I have know idea what I am doing...sorry to those who are following me...I will figure it out ;)
8. I am in desperate need of grocery shopping....since we lost electricity everything in our fridge and freezer is ruined....but Kev is working like crazy right now and I haven't worked up the nerve to go with all four kids...sad, huh?
9. I love the movie Independence Day......random I know. But I am watching it right now :)
10. I ordered outdoor furniture and had it delivered to my parents house....and someone stole it off their porch last night....isn't that crazy...we were all there when it got stolen too. The box was huge! It had to have taken at least 2 people....still not sure how we missed that happening....
Well....like I said...random...but feels good to be blogging again! Have a great long weekend!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago