Through all the bustling around this are a few items that made my life a little easier/better...

Puddle Jumpers - This is an item I came across a couple of weeks ago when a friend of mine had one on her 2 year old son. I am very apprehensive around water and the kiddos, so this has helped ease that (somewhat). It is hard enough keeping up with 4 kids on land...put them in water and I can be a nervous wreck. KK is good with floaties (and supervision...obviously) but with the twins, I wasn't sure how that would this helped us ALOT this weekend when we went to a pool party for a friend's birthday party. The boys still like to stay pretty close to mom...I wish I had a picture of them...needless to say I had my hands full :)
GoGo squeeZ - I am LOVING this item right now...ALL 4 of my kids (from 3 years to 9 months) ALL love it and it is a great snack that is easy to pack in their backpacks or the diaper bag. No spoon required...the boys think it is so fun! I also like that it is applesauce plus a fruit (peach, strawberry or banana for this particular brand). I happen to run across them at Target one day and they have become a staple on our grocery list.
Crock-Pot - (sorry for the BAD was before I washed it tonight) Well I pretty much ALWAYS love this...however, it was so great for us today...we ended up going to the late service for church because of Kev's I put on one of our favorite recipes before we left and we came home to a house that smelled wonderful! It made dinner a cinch and the kiddos were happy...can't beat that!
(In case you were curious...Italian Chicken and then I cook up some brown rice when it is close to being easy! Chicken breast (frozen or fresh), pack of cream cheese, can of cream of mushroom, pack of italian seasoning, 1/2 cup of milk all thrown cooks down and is super creamy...yum! I even added in broccoli tonight!)
Family - Well, I don't have a picture handy...but my sweet sister-in-law that watched my kids on Friday so I could help out my dad...and took my daughter to VBS that evening...just to turn around on Saturday and drive out to my house to hang out with my boys so we could go to a surprise engagement party for a friend. (Our original babysitter fell through). She made my life SO much easier/better this weekend. (THANK YOU LINDSAY!) While mentioning sister-in-laws...I should bring up my other one...she kept me sane during mental breakdown Saturday morning with encouraging words and a big hug (THANK YOU KORREE!)
Another thing, I purchased this...
Glamourous Wash - High Maintenance....ahh, it smells amazing! We washed our sheets in is a little pricey honestly...not like I would wash all my clothing in it...but it was perfect for the sheets and it made our room smell amazing!!

Church with my family...our church has started a new message BOLD. It is is talking about the Bold actions in Acts. I am really looking foward to next week...BOLD prayer.
Last but certainly not least...was ice cream night with the boys...we headed up to our Sonic tonight to sit on the patio. We beat the heat with lots of yummy ice cream.

Ice cream makes EVERYTHING easier/better :)
Here comes Monday!