Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things I am loving....

Hello Hello!

Happy Tuesday!

So today I was looking through my phone and it reminded me of some of the things I am loving right now :)

First...I am loving game time!  The kids were gifted with many fun games this past Christmas, so we usually take the time during Austin's naptime (otherwise, he usually takes game pieces and eats them LOL) and each kiddo gets to pick a game of their choice.  Katelyn chooses either Zingo Bingo or Connect Four, Bryce picks HiHo Cherry-O or Candyland and Carter ALWAYS chooses "Cars" memory. 

This past Saturday, Katelyn and I teamed up against Carter and Bryce....and they won...by ALOT :)  We always have a good time and it really helps teach the kiddos that they have to wait their turn...they do a pretty good job and they cheer for each other which is really cute!

Last week we went to a friends house and they have a piano...and imagine my surprise when all my kiddos went (without fighting...at least for a few minutes) and sat down together and played music.  It was sweet!

This little guy....he just got an OSU hat passed down from his big brothers :)  He looks adorable in it!

Katelyn's friends...She collects these :)  These are the "boys"....and of course they are all named:)
From left to right:  LaRanga, Rafiki, Charlie, Ellie, Koala Bear
They sleep on the floor

Here she is with her friends that are girls....she sleeps with them each night
From left to right: Pep Pep, Rainbow, Nala, and Princess Bunny
She tucks them in with her :)

Here we are tonight!  We had our friends come over to eat dinner so we had a full table :)  It makes my heart happy to have friends over! 

Recieved the J Crew catalog...love it!  I always go straight to the crewcuts...and this is an outfit I would LOVE to get KK....so cute :)

This might be my favorite....before Christmas, I brought a gift bag in to Katelyn's room to fill up with toys to donate.  She had a good time filling it up and we dropped it off together at the Bethel Foundation.  I found this on her door with two stuffed animals.  Apparently she is starting another bag to donate :)

I hope everyone is having a great week!!  So many things to be blessed about :)  What are you loving these days ??

1 comment:

  1. Love how Katelyn is starting the donate bag again...you & Kev are doing awesome with those kiddos Candace!

    And I love that the boys beat you at the game...which one was it? Cars Memory?
