Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sick...Sick...Sick just when I thought the sickness was on its way out our door...I got threw up on...twice...and then again, again...and again. I have given endless baths, given nausea medicine, tried crackers and changed clothes multiple times. Today has been exhausting....and the worst part is seeing these faces so sad.....

There was no playtime or coloring giggles...just sad faces and empty tummies. Please say a little prayer for healthy bodies.

On another note...tomorrow is New Year's Eve. Excited to see what 2011 will bring to our family. This last year brought so many wonderful things, as well as obstacles that tested our family and marriage...and we are still standing. God is so wonderful and I love that I am shown His grace everyday.

One last picture of our sad day...first Carter walked around aimlessly and then this is how he ended up...and stayed there for almost 20 sad...

Happy New Years to all!

18 months....where did you go???

These precious little boys are 18 months old now...(ok...18 months and 5 days to be exact) and I honestly CANNOT wrap my head around this.

Check out these cute...

Pretty sure it is next to impossible to have all eyes on the camera...but cute nonetheless. This was a picture from Christmas Eve festivities.

Carter and Bryce bring such joy to my life. They are so different and such individuals, however they really are the best of friends. Watching twins is so interesting with the interaction they have with each other. They can be so sweet with one another and at the same time push each others buttons and annoy each other. Both equally sweet.

Carter is growing like crazy! He is about 25 pounds and his shoe size is about a 4. He has little bitty feet, paired with a round belly, and his little walk just makes you smile.

Bryce is strong. He is 26 pounds and his shoe size is 7. Big feet and he sure knows how to use them. He is off and running about 90% of the day. He has a sweet little smile and just laughs as he runs from one room to the next.

The time with the boys has flown by! I still feel like they are my "babies". I think this is because it has taken them a little longer to master some physical developments (i.e. walking) and some communicative activities. Bryce "talks" alot more than Carter, but Carter understands so much and really listens. Tantrums are a daily occurence and I know that their lack of communications is the catalyst. Bryce is in the repeat phase, so he is willing to try new words and sounds and will just babble his head off as if he is in conversation. I love this!! Carter just puts a sweet smile on and points and he knows a couple of signs that he uses, but he isn't quite ready to put things into words. Plus he has an older sister and brother that love doing it for him :)

I spent much of their little lives pregnant and toward the end picking them up was practically impossible and then a week in the hospital and 6 weeks of no lifting really made me sad. By the time I could pick them up again...they had grown SO MUCH!! They are turning into little boys and I couldn't be happier, although I would love to press the pause button right now.

Carter....Bryce....I love you two so much!! Thank you for teaching me patience...and that I can do anything!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Whew....what a day...

Everyone is currently in bed sleeping....and I am hoping it stays that way after the day we had...I had gotten up to go to work and not an hour later received the phone call regarding sick kiddos. Nothing is worse!!

We had gone to the doctor yesterday and found out that Bryce has a sinus infection and his ears are in bad shape. So after 2 shots and medicine we were sent home. However this morning...we had something much worse...throwing up and lots of dirty diapers!! Luckily I have a steel stomach....I think this comes with having children.

Even sick, Bryce has a smile on his face

Carter not so much....

Isn't that a sad picture? Well...hopefully they are on the road to recovery! Just in time for me to get it I am sure...but as long as they feel better, I will be happy!

On a happy note, here is Austin enjoying his swing today. He is really alert and starting to smile and gaze at objects. I can't believe he is getting so big!

And last but not little performer with her new guitar from Grandma Peggy...rockin' out pre-sickness

Until tomorrow!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

And we meet again.... is that time a night again...3 am and I am up and pretty excited that HBO has on the movie "He Just not that into you". I love this movie and gives me something decent to watch instead of infomercials. I can sometimes be a sucker for infomercials and that is not good to mix insomnia with my bank account :)

I had a great/rough couple of days....on Thursday I was headed to my OB appointment to check on baby #4, only to get a phone call that my doctor had to cancel because she got called out to a delivery and wouldn't be in Friday and asked if I wouldn't mind coming Monday so she could see me instead of another doctor in her practice. Of course I agreed...and then immediately got off the phone and the tears begin to flow. I don't know why really...well, I am lying...I know why, however, it was mainly hormonal with no solid grounds. I was really wanting some kind of update and my doctor to say "You are is ok...and you are going to make it!"

You see, as of lately, I feel as though my body and mind are at constant battle with one another. My mind wants to go go go with to-do list's and activities with my kiddos, however my body decides to start contracting, hurting and telling me to stop. This is definitely the hardest part of this pregnacy. So, after the phone call and the waterworks, my mom and husband devised a "Candace needs to rest" plan and arranged for the 3 kids to stay at Granny and PaPa's for a couple of days.

It ended up being exactly what I needed, however, it was bad for the hubs because he ended up running lots of fever, drinking lots of fluids and going to the doctor. He did get to sleep and I followed him around with Lysol so I wouldn't get sick and to try as hard as possible to keep the house as germ free as possible for when the kids came home.

So the entire family is under one roof again...the boys are sleeping like babies....Katelyn has made her way to our bed (still working on every night being an all nighter in her room...but we do have progress) and I am up watching TV and playing FreeCell. Even posting a blog :) All is right in the Guy household.

Until 3am again :)

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pregnancy Insomnia is 2:30 am and I am UP UP UP....I slept for a couple of hours, however, between the various bathroom breaks and the 2 year old wandering in here...I am up. So I turn to HGTV and the computer.

Honestly, I think my mind is just racing....I CANNOT believe that in 3 1/2 weeks...or less there will be a new lil' "Guy" in our household. I am trying to picture it...the diapers, the sleepless nights (isn't that now?) LOL and the endless feedings....and the love, the smells, the tiny clothes and the memories of all the firsts. It is very exciting...and the best part is I have 3 other children to share it with and a wonderful husband! I cannot believe that I am going to be the mother of 4 kiddos!! First kid at 26...fourth kid at that crazy!! kiddo #1 is in my room, so I am going to turn computer off...note to self...#4 will NEVER sleep in our bed....hard habit to break :)

Friday, August 27, 2010

Quick Update...

As usual I have been a terrible blogger...I honestly would say I don't have the time...I know it is there somewhere but when I do have a free moment (kids napping, in bed, etc) I would rather, or guess I should say, I need to do all the necessary things like laundry, dishes, prep for whatever we might me eating, clean, etc....with the ocassional veg on the couch and do a whole lot of nothing.

Baby #4 is starting to really wear me out...WAY WAY WAY earlier than the other pregnancies. I mean I still have 10 weeks left....with Katelyn I went strong until the end...wearing heels, getting ready EVERY SINGLE DAY, walking, dinners out, pretty much anything. We even hosted a football watch party the day I went into labor (which was 5 days AFTER my due date). The boys started slowing me down about 4 weeks prior to c-section date. This was, however, to be expected with twins, but even then we moved out of my parents, and moved into a new home, set up a new nursery, repainted our entire yellow house and put Katelyn together a semi-big girl room, even though I was on "bedrest". But Baby #4 cracks me is super active and I swear it is HUGE! I can be on my feet trying to chase down one of the 3 kiddos, or work around the house and BOOM....tummy tightens and I am tired! My doctor said this is normal...3rd pregnancy in 3 years...this one just 8 months after the twins were born...apparently my body isn't exactly prepared to do it all...grow a baby and take care of a household...without a LOT of push. Please know that I am not complaining....just trying to journal my every thought of my last pregnancy. I am actually really kinda sad that it is my last pregnancy...the last little kicks (or jabs) in my belly...the last time for a nursery to plan...the last time truly enjoy the beautiful world of the pregnancy belly and the excitement that it brings me to know that God has trusted another beautiful little person in my care. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl...a truly surprise moment...and I am not surprised often. I am also sad to pack away my stretchy pants...I really REALLY like maternity clothes.

So as for the kiddos that are keeping me busy as I wait to find out about the next addition....Carter has been growing my leaps and in physical development. It took him so long to crawl and become active and then all of a sudden...BAM!!! He is up and walking on everything, pulling himself up and trying so hard to take steps. You can just see it in his eyes!! He is super cute and has the best giggle. He is still pretty quiet but he loves to listen to books and listen to me (or anyone) talk about anything. He is still quite content to entertain himself or play with his brother. Not needy...unless not feeling good...but I am glad to report, since they got tubes last month, sickness has not been around! It has been 4 weeks since his last ear infection (Bryce too) and that is the longest they have ever gone without one.

Bryce is my talker....he repeats and listens. He is also walking...a little more like Frankenstein than a human, but he is trying to stay on his feet the majority of the time to get from point A to point B. He is getting better everyday!!

Katelyn just started back to "school" and she is in a new classroom. Montessori A, which is the 3 year old class. Her and 3 other 2 year olds got moved up. She LOVES LOVES LOVES it. Everyday she comes home everyday with a new story about her friends. She cracks me up with her imagination. Example....last week she told her dad that she, Adrian, Ava, Avery and Jovy were going to ride a bus to Mexico to eat lunch and play. That he could not go, but he could drive them. She told me yesterday that her, Olivia, Avery and Adrian were going to take the bus to the library, then the zoo then to eat and that she would be home later. She is a very busy gal :)

Well, that is the here and now. This pregnant mama is headed to a bachelorette party tonight...well, the slumber party of it :) Bring on the girl time!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Favorite times of day...

Now that I am staying home with the kiddos (well, the boys, KK is still at her Montessori school that we love, she loves...and well, a habit we just can't break...the place is amazing!!), I have come up with a "daily" schedule to keep myself from going a tad crazy.

Obviously it doesn't always work out as scheduled...but that is okay...I am flexible. However, there are 3 things that happen everyday that I absolutely adore!

1.) Katelyn getting up for school....this girl is NOT a morning all. I always have to wake her up...and end up tickling her tummy usually to make it happen. Most of the time, she giggles and grabs my next and we head to the potty. There is the occassional day that she looks at me and rolls her eyes, says "NO!" and turns over...this is actually very funny to watch a 2 year old do. I then send her to the couch so she can cuddle with a blanket and enjoy a little Dora and head off to grab her clothes, shoes, bow and hair supplies. I come back to the couch and she gets dressed and then lets me fix her hair. Actually insists upon it...she loves her bows, what can I say? Then...the favorite part (although I enjoy our routine in general) is when we are done and waiting on her sweet daddy to come pick her up to take her to school (thank you Hubs, so I don't have to load up 3 kiddos this early) her and I cuddle on the couch under a fuzzy blanket and she lays her head on my pregnant belly. It is precious....I can then hear her lightly sing the Dora songs and can see her smiling from the back of her head. It is this moment of silence that we geniunely just enjoy each other.

2.) The boys waking up...there is no general rule of who will wake up first. Some days it is Bryce...others it is Carter...and then sometimes they are both ready to go when I walk in. I normally will hear them around 8am-8:30am and they will begin their morning conversation with each other. It is as though they are catching each other up on their nightly dreams. I will peak in to see them standing in their cribs staring at one another and just babbling. Very cute stuff! Then I will walk in and the bouncing begins...they both get smiles on their face and are ready for the day! It is amazing to see 2 sets of eyes and 2 smiles stare at you and literally feel the love they have...sometimes they even clap. It is my very own standing ovation:)

After these two parts of the day....everything else seems like a blur...breakfast...playtime...naptime (clean, clean, clean)lunch...bath...sometimes nap again and the off to get sister, and then make dinner...and this brings us to the last favorite moment.

3.) The boys go down around 7:30-8pm. Kev is home all nights except one during the week and on the night that he is not, my mom is here so we improvise...but on our usual evenings, I pick up one boy, Kev picks up the other...we normally trade off...KK is in her jammies and we all 5 head to the boys room. Each boy gets in their own crib and grabs their blankie, KK sits in between the cribs and Kev and I stand in front of all the kiddos and read Goodnight Moon. The boys know this means...bedtime, and KK, who has listened to this book about a million times, will read along. When we are done we all give the boys kisses and the lamp goes off. This gives us 30 minutes with just KK to finish out the day before her bedtime.

When days get so is nice to know that I can count on the 3 wonderful moments that I hope I will remember forever.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is my Mr. Bryce....Baby are his stats....
Age: 13 months 2 days
Weight: 19 lbs 11 oz
Likes: He likes to climb...on anything and everything. He loves to play with any and every toy and is really starting to like to read books. Bathtime is his favorite. He actually cries when he has to get out...even if he has been in there for 30 minutes!! He LOVES LOVES LOVES to eat...and he will eat anything that I put in front of him. He is definitely a growing boy.
Dislikes: Waiting....for, cup, or if you take anything away from him he absolutely pitches a fit...HUGE TANTRUM...let's just say this kid has no patience...I see us butting heads in the future :)
Physical activity: He is my mover and I mentioned, he is a climber. He started crawling a 7 months and is super fast. He is almost there on walking...he will stand up on his own, bend over and pick up toys...and you can just see it in his eyes that he wants to move and take a step forward...but he hesitates and just sits back down and crawls. Any day now world will be turned upside down with him walking everywhere!!
Communication: (Same as bubba) What is funny about the boys is that they are not saying alot of "words". He knows "Mom" and "Dad"....usually uses Dad...he is a daddy's boy. But otherwise he just seems to babble alot. The best is when the boys are in their rooms in their cribs and are going down or waking up they have a language all of their own. They laugh and babble and will have their own "conversations". I can't wait until they want to talk to us :)
Weird Habit/thing: His laugh.....he sounds like he should be on the movie Revenge of the Nerds...his laugh is a mixture of high pitch snort...makes me laugh...hard
Bryce just puts you at ease with his presence. He has a smile that will cause anyone to stop and smile back. Although impatient at times, about 95% of the time he is super happy!! He has an unstoppable amount of energy and has a love for life. He is a cuddler and a wonderful sleeper. He even has a smile when he is sick. He is definitely the mischevious one but his charm wins you over ever time. He just makes me happy.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Carter Barter

This is my lil' Carter man....Baby are his stats....

Age: 13 months (well...tomorrow)

Weight: 18 lbs 11 oz

Likes: He loves to crawl everywhere and he is a "tinkerer". He is SOO interested in how everything works. He has a decent attention span...for a one year old...he can play with a specific toy without getting completely distracted. Bathtime is also a favorite of his...he gets in and the legs start bouncing and water starts going EVERYWHERE...he is super cute. He also loves to play ball. He can sit and roll it back and forth and he thinks this is hilarious and usually gets a belly laugh out of him.

Dislikes: Having his diaper changed...hates it...and ear drops. He just (and his brother) got tubes in and they have to have ear drops and it is like fighting a ninja.

Physical activity: He is crawling everywhere, and although it took him a long time to get up and least with the conventional crawl, now he is pulling up on everything and walking from every piece of furniture he can get his hands on. I think it will be a little while before he takes his first actual steps, but it isn't slowing him down.

Communication: What is funny about the boys is that they are not saying alot of "words". He knows "Mom" and "Dad"....usually uses Dad...he is a daddy's boy. But otherwise he just seems to babble alot. The best is when the boys are in their rooms in their cribs and are going down or waking up they have a language all of their own. They laugh and babble and will have their own "conversations". I can't wait until they want to talk to us :)

Weird Habit/thing: The weirdest thing about Carter's habits is that he MUST have something in each funny...he likes to hold two crackers, two toys...two pacifiers or two cups. It is really funny....

Carter is such a sweet boy. He has really come into his own. He is a great eater and has a great attitude and unbelievable patience. He has gotten feisty when it comes to his brother taking a toy...but for the most part he is happy go lucky. When he was born he was so tiny...barely 5 pounds and when we headed home he was less...(losing the normal 8% of birth rate...but it came right back). He then went from being tiny to round. It was quite funny...he didn't grow in length but his belly sure did. Now that he is so active and has gotten a little bit of height he has become a little boy! He is absolutely adorable and I can't help but smile when I see him.

Ahh....Carter Barter (our name for him around the house) are such a special boy!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Don't you fox me.....

Is one of the many lines you will hear in my household on a daily basis...let me explain...KK is 2 1/2 years old and has been developing quite a "diva-like" personality. She is testing waters and boundaries and we are quickly developing the rights and wrongs, while choosing our battles carefully.

She has begun to "talk back" at times, and usually we can nip it in the bud without much fuss, however, when she is feeling especially feisty she makes this odd noise (and face for that matter) in order to "talk back" without "talking about". The first time this happened...I wanted to giggle because it is quite funny, however, once you laugh as a parent you have lost all leverage. So I looked at her and asked what she was doing and as serious as can be, she told me she was being a fox. Still not really sure where this came from....but now it is apart of our lives.

However, now when she says it...I do not feel like actually bothers me because I know she is trying to sass me, so therefore, out of my mouth comes "Don't you fox me...." as serious as can be. Ahh...parenting...cracks me up sometimes.

Monday, June 7, 2010

My first official day....

as a Stay at Home, I have had a crazy work life lately....I worked somewhere for 5 years...quit to move to another job that I thought would fit my schedule better...found out I was pregnant and then decided it would be best to stay home with 4 kids three and under and then have had the opportunity to help out my original job part-time and on an occassional basis...which I LOVE! So after all the craziness...this is my first full week of no work.

I started it out with my mom and the boys getting out to run errands to pick up all the goodies for the boys Pirate themed 1st birthday! So fun! We had a busy weekend so I didn't have the opportunity, but my mom and I had a blast looking today. We even stopped to have a fabulous lunch at Charleston' the baked potato soup! YUM!

I think we have all the decor we need, the cake is ordered and I am off to order their outfits tomorrow. I still CANNOT believe they will be a YEAR old in 18 days...and I can't believe that in 8 days we will know what baby #4 is...well, not us since we are not finding out, but the doctors and grandma's will.

We left the house at 10am and finally arrived back at 5:15 with two very hungry and very tired boys. The best part was pulling into the house and seeing my lil' girl playing in her new pool in the backyard and having the best time! Her happiness is contagious and instantly gave me energy to finish out the night with lots of playing. While we were out and about today, KK ended up getting new stickers, a new puzzle, and a princess headband. All necessary items of course :)

Now all the kiddos are sleeping...and so is my poor sick husband! I am off to make some more 1st birthday goodies and decorations!!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Well...this time I mean it

The purpose of this blog was to keep a timeline and journal of what was going on in my families life...however, life got the best of me and I have let myself down...I think, at least once a day, "I need to write this down so I don't forget..." but then I never I have lost some time, but with a 2 1/2 year old and two 11 month olds I still have plenty of their lives to journal. (This is how I have rationalized this to myself).

So, here is my day started at 6:30 am when my sweet little nephew arrived. My sister-in-law and brother had to work, so I agreed to hang out with the lil' man. So, we cuddled for a little bit and then I heard my little men wake up. Carter first...and then Bryce....they have been sleeping alot more lately since they have been getting over being sick, but once they saw their cousin playtime began! Carter started to crawl around like crazy (which is exciting news since he has been army crawling forever...he is now officially up on all fours and he is very proud of himself...cute stuff). Everyone was getting along the midst of the playing, KK woke up and joined all three boys....then the workout began. Breakfast for four, clean up after four, making sure all were sharing and then the crazy process of loading the car. What an amazing day for all the cousins to hang, and I enjoyed every minute....but this is why I am super sleepy now!

However, I did manage on talking my husband in a trip to Target. The initial reason was to get KK a pool to play in since the weather is ridiculously HOTT! He is a sucker for his little girl, what can I say? We walked out with a pool....and about 100 other things...darn Target, they get me EVERY TIME! We got home just in time for some dinner and the boys went down shortly after that and Daddy and KK headed out to put the pool in working order. She had a blast and we have already promised to be outside as soon as we are done eating breakfast in the morning.

Now I am ending the night next to my baby girl while she puts together her alphabet puzzle. It was a wonderful day!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Lessons learned from our children....

I love the sweet and kind nature of children....I think when I truly let myself put aside all the "to-do's" of the day and sit down with my kiddos...I am my happiest. They truly enjoy the moments...the smiles and the laughs. Nothing is better than the laughter of a child.

Katelyn does this big laugh, throws her head back and puts her hand over her mouth...also her eyes disappear. It is adorable.

Carter and Bryce are developing their own laughs as well.

Carter has a giggle...he is super ticklish and a huge smile comes over his face and he has the sweetest dimples.

Bryce's laugh is more like a grunt/laugh. It cracks me up....he is almost like a little hyena. His laughter is contagious.

Honesty is another amazing lesson from kiddos. Katelyn just tells it how it is....when my room is a mess...(more like, my room is a mess) and KK walks-in and tells me about it. Cooking...if she doesn't like it, I know it. Not rudely, of course, just so matter of fact.

One of the best habits she has gotten us in as a family is to eat dinner at the table. It randomly happened one night...I had been cooking dinner and usually we would turn on the tv and sit in the living room and eat. She would get in her high chair and we would absentmindedly eat dinner. Then one night she asked, "Eat at table?"...what was sad was I almost said, "no, let's just eat in the living room." WHAT!?! What a horrible mom...all she wanted to do was sit at the table with her family. So now every night we eat dinner at the table together and we hear about her day and tell her about ours. Such a wonderful tradition to start now.

I look forward to all the traditions that we will have with our family. My kiddos add so much to my life. I LOVE being a momma!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My life as a Mommy....

Becoming a Mommy changes everything....and yet nothing at all. Prior to having a baby, my life consisted of hubby, work and my friends. The hubs and I were quite social. We enjoyed going out and eating at a great steak (The Ranch...yummy!), going to have wings and beer to watch a good game and staying up late and sleeping in late whenever possible. I also cherished my girl time with my best friends. We spent each and everything Thursday at a biker bar listening to friends of ours play music while we ate chips & queso while having a beer.

I LOVED my time plans, my time schedule, my way....until that Thursday night that I took the test....and it showed two lines instead of just one. I was pregnant....and from that point on it wasn't about me. I then dove into any .com that mentioned pregnancy and baby, books that contained millions of names, and shopped on-line for anything that was little and cute. I broke the news to my closest girlfriends by an e-mail letting them know that I would not be on our annual girls trip because I would be 7 1/2 months pregnant....this was followed by many congratulatory e-mails and excitement! It made my heart swell to have such love and support!

But of course life happens and the excitement wears off...well for everyone except me because this was my first pregnancy...I was having a BABY! At first I was sad when I heard all the girls were going out...and I wouldn't be going...I would get the invite and have the best intentions, but by the time I got off work, I was so sleepy....bedtime was 8pm to me....and then as I got bigger, I didn't want to be the prego girl in the bar :) But then I realized...that I really didn't care...not that I didn't miss my girl time, but I knew that I would rather be home or with family talking about plans for the baby. Sitting on the couch and feeling the movement of my baby girl (which I found out on my 26th birthday....that was followed with a surprise party from my hubs and BF). Kev and I would just stare at my never got old...after I had KK, it still never got old. We spent hours watching her sleep and watching her breathe in and out. Then seeing her smiles, and her tummy time turn to crawl time...which quickly turned into pulling up and walking. Now she entertains me with stories of her day and a vivid imagination.

My second pregnancy, I knew what was to come...and two of my girlfriends were pregnant for the first time. It was fun to tell stories and lean on each other for questions and concerns. It funny how things changed...they looked to me for answers!

I now enjoy my time home and the short hours I have with my kiddos at night before cooking dinner, doing laundry and washing clothes takes over. Sometimes I just let the house go crazy because I would rather have fun with my smiling and giggly children then do chores....and I have to tell myself that it is okay. My big evening out that I look forward too is loading up the kiddos and walking the mall or heading outside to run in the backyard.

So all and all....I still get to do what I want...but this time I get to share it with my kids. It is funny how priorities change from one part of life to the next....I felt content and fulfilled prior to kids with a great husband and family and friends....and then I had children, which all of a sudden filled me up even more...and has challenged me in a way that keeps me learning everyday. I love being a mom....I never knew I would this much. I have a new found respect for my mom and the love she had for all of us. It is such a protective love. I am so blessed.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Bryce....and the dog bowl...

So just a short little story for I have mentioned in the previous post, Mr. Bryce is quite the crawler...he is so quick....and as i have mentioned....mischevious. So, per normal, my mom was with my boys today (she lives with me Monday - Wednesday, still...she is a WONDERFUL women...well for this and many other reasons!) and both boys were sitting perfectly still playing contently, so she thinks to herself...I will run quickly to the little girls room. Well, she does, and approximately 2 minutes later, she hears something banging on the tile in the dining room/ she quickly gets up and starts running to the kitchen.

And stops...and starts laughing...and then it all craziness breaks out...Carter is sitting on the floor and begins crying...a sure sign of a dirty diaper...but Granny had more important things to take care of...Bryce and his crazy mess. He is on all fours banging Sutton's water bowl on the tile and laughing...while being soaked with water from head to toe. Not to mention the dog food that is scattered about EVERYWHERE....good thing for me he hasn't mastered the art of picking up food and putting it in his mouth...however he is good at picking it up, which leaves doggie crumbs all over him. So (Carter still crying), my mom swoops up Bryce and starts mopping up and sweeping, stripping his clothes off and getting him changed, and then finally he was able to sit, nice and dry, and play, while Granny was able to get to Carter Man to change him and put a smile on his face.

So, this makes me laugh...and fear a little, of the day (that is just around the corner) where they are BOTH mobile and attacking the doggie food bowl...

Until tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

My March Resolutions....

So resolutions are supposed to happen in January...however, since I have fallen off the face of the earth since then (at least in blog world) I figured I would start now. My whole reason of starting a blog was to document my life....and become an famous blogger...okay...scratch that...:) Really....just to have a daily entry of what is going on, and how my kids and well, family are growing. With 8-month old twin boys and a 2 year old daughter....something new seems to happen each day. I have realized that I am horrible at keeping up a baby book (I want to apologize NOW to my kiddos) and although I take lots of is now only in spurts....I will take 100 pictures in a matter of two days....and then break for 1 back to the resolution part....I am taking the vow to blog at least 3-4 times a week. This is actually very relaxing, banging on the keys of my laptop and letting my thoughts be put into print in the world wide web.

So, to make a long story short from last post to are a few things:

Carter - He is now weighing in at almost 20 pounds. He is my round lil' man and has so much dark hair!! He also has crazy hairy eyebrows (which I noticed tonight before bathtime) and I think we are going to have to attack him with wax as he gets older if he continues to grow hair as he does now. He has the best set of cheeks...they are big and kissable. He is, well, cotent to just sit in one spot and play with a toy forever. He can get to tummy position from sitting and roll to get anywhere, but he will not crawl. He started sitting up at a week past 7 months and has wonderful posture...but when it comes to moving, it just isn't happening. Cracks me up really....when he gets on his tummy he moves his arms and legs like crazy and smiles so big....I swear he is wondering to himself "Why am I not going anywhere?". At least this is what me and my mom think. He hates formula....I had nursed up to 8 months and due to circumstances, I had to quit the switch has not been a good one for him. He eats three meals a day and refuses bottles. However, we have started sippy cups with milk (the real deal) and he really seems excited about that. He is such a little bear...I just love him! Oh, he did start clapping first and waving is not done on command yet, but he loves to talk and wave...and clap for himself! He still hasn't got down the art of self-feed, but he sure does like to grab lots of snacks in each hand and play with them. He is such a sweet kid, without a mischevious side to him. Just this honest, loving and kind-hearted face. Oh, and he has various names that we all refer to him....Carter Man, Carter Barter (said best by KK), lil' man....I am sure there will be more...

Bryce....oh my little Bryce....he is EVERYWHERE!! When he turned 7 months old he sat up on his own....3 days later, he leaned forward and started rocking on all fours....6 days later he started crawling and hasn't stopped....he is afraid of nothing. You can walk out of a room and he follows right behind...he will go down a dark hall by himself without a second thought. He loves to crawl to Sutton's (our dog) bowl. He won't self feed his yummy puffy snacks, however, a little kibble and bits go straight for the mouth. I don't get it :) He is now pulling up on various things and I give hime about another 6-8 weeks before he is walking...he is so determined to get somewhere, anywhere. He takes advantage of bubba not crawling too. He will go and steal a toy and just crawl would think, "How mean?", but then you look at his sweet, little face with a huge smile and runny nose (always) and you just want to kiss him. He is my mischevious can just see it, but then the eyes get you and you forget that he is up to something. He is weighing in at about 18 pounds....he is long and skinny....but he eats TWICE as much as his brother. Still haven't figured this out....he did not care at all when he was switched to formula...if it is in a bottle or on a spoon, he says "Yes, please!".

Both boys are so amazing together....they are so aware of each other....when they go to bed at night, first let me say, they are AMAZING sleepers...7:30p-7:00a....they know each other is there. They talk to each other and sooth each other from their own crib. Carter usually does most of the talking, and Bryce will lay there and pull the covers close and just listen and chime in on occassion. Bryce is usually the first to rise...and he will now greet you by sitting on his knees and holding on to the crib. They keep each other company as I am getting KK ready for bed. Carter is still my patient one and Bryce is more demanding. The personalities are so amazing to me. I love seeing how they come out more and more everyday.

Little Miss Katelyn....aka....KK....she is my princess. heart and sweetest smile....yep! She has her days, like us all, and she acts her age at times, but for the most part, she really surprises me everyday with her love and understanding. She LOVES school....Fruit Loop Friday, all the art projects, the instruments and games. Her Montessori school is such a blessing. She is so self-sufficient in so many ways....and she is developing such great habits. She is also developing her brain. She loves letters, numbers and puzzles. She sings...but not only that, she performs. She has such confidence. I swear she is going to be on stage one day :) She tries to sound so grownup sometimes....I have to remind myself that she too is still so little. She loves clothes and shoes. We have fun every morning getting ready. She LOVES a pair of brown shoes she has from Striderite and she wants to wear them almost everyday. Sometimes I hide them from her when I want her to wear another pair...tehehehe. She is still a huge help with her brothers and never pitches a fit when it comes to me having to get the boys bathed and fed and ready for bed. She will just get a coloring book and hang out while I am taking care of things and she will show the boys and I what she is doing and then we make the most of our time together after the boys go down. The biggest thing in her life right now is.....the potty!! She has been doing great!! She is in panties during the day and pull ups at night. She rarely has accidents and is actually starting to tell me when she needs to go and not me ask her 1,000 times...This is crazy to me that my little girl is potty-training....this is such a HUGE step. I am so proud of her...she loves being a big girl! Not to mention the M&m she gets each time she goes. The best part of potty training that I hope I always remember is that instead of going #2 she tells me she needs to make a that is a memory...that I can't wait to share with one of her boyfriends....okay...that would be cruel (but funny)...and I would never do that....but I can't say her father won't!

Baby #4....that's right...I said baby #4....we found out a week ago that I am expecting baby #4 (sorry, I have to keep writing it to believe it :) ) It is still so surreal.....I am so excited with the combination of so many other thoughts and feelings, but above all, so appreciative. Kev and I said that we wanted a big family, and 4 kiddos always felt right. I had no idea that they would all come so quickly, but what an amazing journey this will be. I am 6 weeks along and I am praying for a wonderful and healthy pregnancy and baby. We are not going to find out what we are having so we will be completely surprised. I have my first appt. March 30th. With my first two pregnancies I tried months to get pregnant without luck and then I had to take meds to have my sweet lil' kiddos....and this just happened. God is amazing! So as it is looking....I will have a 2 year old (turning 3 about a week and a half later), 2 16 month olds and a newborn....whoa! Good thing I have a wonderful hubby, a great family, a strong faith, amazing friends and my mom.

Well, that is what is going on....Kev and I are just trying to keep up :) Until tomorrow....

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Like a school girl...

Well, it is official...I start the new job tomorrow morning at 9am. I am excited, nervous...crazy tired (long day of cleaning and organizing in order to get ready for the new job)...

I can't wait until end of day tomorrow...just so I can say that I made it through the "first day" and the jitters.

My parents were amazing and offered to babysit ALL 3 kids for the night so I could get up and get ready in the morning and not have to worry about getting anyone but myself together in the morning. They are so great!! Love you very much!

So wish me luck and I will update you all...well, both of you :)

Friday, January 8, 2010

Meet Brodie...

Says the e-mail....

Good ol' J. Crew...I would love to have these boots...however, the price tag is not in my budget...more than likely those dollars will be spent on things that are much more fun....such as:

That is okay...I am loving window shopping these days...or on-line viewing of all the great items coming out for the spring. I do not have one item that I will be purchasing sooner than later....

I purchased the black wash for my NYE outing...and now I can't wait to buy the dark denim wash....I never thought I would be the "skinny" jean type, but they look super cute with flats, heals and boots...can't beat that!

The only thing better than J. Crew....CREWCUTS!! They have the cutest items for KK...she received a quite a few additions to her wardrobe for Christmas and I am excited to add more when Spring time comes around.

Well...I am off to virtually shop...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Too Darn Cold...

So today it is currently 13 degrees outside...with a -6 degree wind chill...WHAT!?!

Is it sad that I am looking forward to Saturday....because it will be so much 31 degrees...which is STILL below freezing!!

Due to this fact, the boys and I will be indoors ALL DAY! I plan on cleaning out my closet, deep cleaning the bedroom and organizing before the new job starts Monday...unless, I decide it is so cold that the boys need to be cuddled up to me all day to stay warm. If that is so, I will do my motherly duty and bundle up with both and sit on the couch and catch up on all my DVR'd shows....ALL DAY. You do what you have to :)

I hope everyone has a wonderfully day...STAY WARM!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year....New Job

Happy New Year!

I hope that everyone had an amazing time bringing in 2010. We did! My parents so kindly took all three kids for the evening and the hubs and I put on some sparkle...well I did :) and headed out on the town! A friend of ours organized an outing for a group of us to a place called the Prohibition Room.

What fun!

Normally, I am somewhat bah-humbug on New Year's is also such a let down. However, this year it was exactly what we needed. Life as a Guy has been somewhat stressful lately.....and I thought parenting 3 kids 2 and under and taking care of a marriage was supposed to be easy ha...ha...but food, dancing and some bubbly is exactly what we needed!!

And this is me before the bubbly :)

The hubs and I got a pic together...however, it was apparently on someone else's camera...finding this pic is on my to-do list....since having the kids we rarely take any picture's together!!

Well, after a wonderful NYE with friends....a terrible Cotton Bowl (seriously Cowboys....offensive? anyone?) I returned to work yesterday to start my last week.

So this is bittersweet....I have been at this job for 5 years...FIVE YEARS...half a decade...I started their single and I am leaving a married mother of 3....I just can't believe how quickly the time has passed. I have truly made some of my best friends there. I have learned about 1,000 lessons.

Well, then why am I leaving a job I care about I had an opportunity that presented itself...and I took it. It was actually a very challenging process...I had 3 interviews before landing the new gig, not to mention it is in a field that I have little experience in. So, I am excited for the challenge.

I am sure I will write more on this as I get into the new position. I begin next please, wish me luck!