Well, then my day went from busy to crazy...and then I ended up staying up until 12:30am looking for a very important piece of paper (which I never found...darn it!) and realized I never actually got to write my post...so here goes...
See this little guy...

Is it me or is he balding...I think we are going backwards :)
The one who went from a little baby that slept and ate into a lil' mini man that has the most amazing little personality. Either he is the easiest baby EVER or I am so at ease things just fall off of me.

Look at that little face!
He is happy 98% of the time.....seriously...he spends his day watching his brothers run and play and when I can get them to stop and pay attention (in small doses of time, of course) I will just lay him on the ground and he will roll from one side of the room to the other side...and he has even begun to inch worm to get to toys...by the way, he has a new favorite.

It was actually the boys' toy when they were little...and they played with it for like a day and then forgot about it. When we found it and handed it to Austin he just giggled. So cute :)
Some basics....He LOVES food and is getting pretty good at not getting too messy, he is mobile in his own way. The other day, I put him in the middle of the carpet to play and I went to wash dishes. I came back to find him under a chair...at first I didn't see him and I kinda freaked out LOL....
He is getting stronger and I bet will be sitting up in no time. He loves having a different view, so we have a little chair that he can sit up in "by himself".
He loves having a "lovie" which is his taggie blanket. He is still sleeping like a champ and he is nursing 4 times a day and sleeping through the night. When he wakes up in the morning, he just hangs in his bed and babbles and coos and rolls around. When I walk in the room he looks up and has a HUGE grin....I may or may not think this is the best thing ever :)
Basically he is my sidekick. I believe the Lord put him in my life to calm me during crazy times. He does just that...I love this phase (not that I don't love all of them) but he is so content.
I feel like he grows up without me even realizing sometimes because I am too busy chasing around the other kiddos and trying to discipline,play games or fix food or clean. I look down and see this little baby turning into a little boy. I feel so blessed to have him in our lives.
He is adored by friends and family. His brothers give him kisses daily and try to include him in playtime, which sometimes results in a bump or two...but it is the fact theat they are so kind. And Katelyn...well, the two of them together is precious. She likes to hold him and he is the first person she asks about each morning. She has such concern for his well-being. She is a protective older sister. I can't wait to see as the four of them grow together.
Well...ok...I am done! I am off to take some Tylenol and nasal spray...I believe a sinus infection is knocking at my door! Happy Hump Day!
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