That is right....these two little, Spongebob wearing, Veggie Tales loving, Cowboy's are 22 months old. Not.even.possible. But true....I CANNOT believe in two short months they will turn 2 years old. This is happy and sad for boys are getting so big!!
The LOVE to wrestle these times this ends in yells and screams...and being separated by mom or dad...but when they are wrestling and giggling it is SUPER sweet.
They also LOVE their little brother....always lots of hugs and kisses. In the morning they always say hi to him and if he makes a noise Carter will run up to Kev or myself and say "Austin, Austin" and point in his direction, as if to say, "Go get him!!"

Their favorite meal of the day is breakfast...they are starting to use their utensils really well, so we have been diving into yogurt and cereal with milk. Of course, their favorite is still fruit. They love blueberries, strawberries, bananas, apples, cantaloupe, grapes and oranges. Such happy boys!

Things I am loving right now:
* Carter is starting to talk ALOT more...still trying to figure out all he is saying, but he attempting and it is precious
* Bryce is so proud of himself, whenever he does anything he looks up at us and yells, "I DID IT!" so cute!
* Carter has an amazing attention span...his teachers think it is amazing at his age that he can sit and play and remain content for such a long amount of time for his age
* Bryce is a funny guy...everytime he has a dirty diaper, I ask him if he is dirty and he always says, "No, Carter is..." I can just see him pointing his finger at his brother when he gets in trouble when he is older
* Carter is going through a terrible hitting time outs have become regular
* Bryce has quite the temper....and does not like to share...something we are working on
* Carter is having some separation anxiety in large crowds...he just wants Kevin to hold him the entire time...such a shy kid
* Bryce, on the other hand is the socialite...just walks into a room like he owns it and talks to everyone
* Carter still gives the best hugs....(this is his "I love you" right now)
* Bryce says, "Momma, I love you!" (melts my heart)
* They both still sleep from 7:30p-7:30a...and nap once a day for 2-3hrs. They sometimes have HUGE appetites and other days they just stare at food. Bathtime is a favorite time and now that the weather is nice they LOVE going outside to play.

They are best buds...they love rocks, dirt and playing in their pajamas. when I catch them just hanging out together I think it is amazing. They have their own language. They are becoming little boys instead of my babies!

Happy 22 months!
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