- Finally got all my laundry hung up!!!
- Weather was BEAUTIFUL so I just opened up the back door and watched the boys run in and out playing pretty much all day :)
- The lawn guys came and our yard looks GREAT! Too bad they came just as I put the boys down for their nap...Bryce had a rough time but finally they all went down!
- I steam cleaned the floors...could not believe how dirty they were...
- The clothes I ordered on-line came in today...so fun getting mail (that aren't bills!)
- Kev and I went on a date...to the grocery store LOL....we are SO EXCITED that we finally have a grocery store in our town...now it doesn't take us 30 minutes to get to the closest one!!
- Gossip Girl, 90210, Chuck, Dancing with the Stars and Secrect Life as an American Teenager are all on my DVR....and
- my WONDERFUL husband is washing dishes right now as I start my shows on DVR and blog :) Good guy!
Well, I know that is boring :) But that is all I got!! Hope you had a great Monday!
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