- I had a playdate with three wonderful women and their sweet kiddos....plus I brought ALL four of mine. This was a first for me...I have never taken all 4 kiddos with me anywhere and done all the loading and unloading (which takes master skill LOL). I am fortunate to have my husband with me on most occassions. It is tough for two eyes to keep track of six moving little legs and a baby but overall it went really well!! I am SO THANKFUL for the wonderful friends I had that helped me keep up with my crew. I will say that it wore me out :) We all went to see daddy after and grab lunch...and then we headed home for naps :)
- While on the playground I recieved the best.compliment.ever....I had rounded up the three older kids to a bench to take a 5 minute break and grab a drink of water, where an older woman sat there and smiled at me. My first thought, she thinks I am crazy and probably is thinking I need a good talk about where babies come from...(I get this often). However, she surprised me with simply saying, "My twins are 35 years old now, you are going to have so much fun"....I sighed with relief, as if I just realized I was talking to an old friend (something I love about meeting other twin moms) and laughed and responded, "So you are a survivor..."and we both laughed. She then said something that caught me off guard, "You look great out there...no matter how much you are running around, you are doing it with a smile." I know that I look frantic when keeping up with all 4 kiddos, and I have always assumed I looked, well, crazy...defeated...overwhelmed...but a woman I did not know paid me a huge compliment and said I did it with a smile. She also gave me many more words of encouragement and I felt SO GOOD after talking to her.
- After naptime, Kev got home and me and Katelyn were out the door...we had to run to the mall and exchange a couple of things. We strolled around the mall for a little bit, tried on pretty necklaces and looked at pretty clothes. Her favorite are shiny belts right now :)
- Then, off to dinner with my girl...which was a blast! She LOVES going out to eat at restaurants...always a special occassion....and her and I rarely get this opportunity. So we decided a special dinner needed a cupcake. We sat there and chatted...and she looked at me and said, "We are going to be friends forever Mom..." Loved it...and love her!
- Then we headed to watch my niece, Kyleigh, in her FIRST dance competition. It was so fun to see her on stage and dancing so well! She did great! KK was in awe the whole time. To top things off, her team won GOLD....Yay!
- Now I am home, kids in bed and the hubs and I are going to finish the day with a movie. So many wonderful things to be thankful for on the Good Friday. Blessed that Jesus died for my sins...for all our sins....I am looking forward to an amazing and uplifting Easter weekend.
Have a great weekend!
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