So this morning, I have put up the dishes, we have The Fresh Beat Band blaring, and the kids are running from room to room giggling and laughing....sometimes they are sporting cowboy hats and Katelyn tells me they are headed to the farm, or backpacks and they are headed to school. She also likes to pretend that we are in the rainforest and going on a safari. The boys are game for any and all adventures.
Especially when they play parade and they all walk through the house banging drums...this is their favorite right now. Headache? Yes... Adorable? Yes...
I love that the kids are so close in age they are each other playmates although it does end in tears a good amount of the time because they are all learning the art of compromise and sharing. Katelyn is a GREAT big sister...she has 3 little boys under her that she cares so much about and if they are crying she always try to comfort or make them laugh. She has an amazing heart. The boys think the world of her, even Austin just looks at her with adoration.
Anyway...a couple of random thoughts on this Saturday morning...
1. Katelyn has begun saying, "You have got to be kidding me!?!" I am sure she got this from overhearing me say this...but the other day we were all sitting in the living room and I told Kev we were out of waffles, and Katelyn turned around with the most serious face and said, "You have got to be kidding me!?!" I am loving is quite funny.
2. Bryce DOES NOT like getting his hair cut....I couldn't help but crack up when we took him yesterday. He looked so frightened and the poor hair lady...I was holding him in my lap because he wouldn't sit by himself and he screamed and cried the entire time. His hair looks, well, not great, but it is no longer hanging over his ears. I am so glad we were the only ones in there. On a side note, Carter loved it and just sat there and smiled. Go figure :)
3. Busy weekend, two Birthday parties, a Sip'n'See, church and grocery shopping...and I feel like the weekend is already gone...glad to get to hang out with the family on all these adventures ;)
4. Getting excited for Monday's Teen Mom with Dr. Drew....I can't wait to hear what he has to say to Jennelle...of all the episodes and craziness I have seen on the show, somehow she still surprises me.
5. American Idol 2011...LOVING IT (are you watching??) I love the judges, the talent and just the small changes of the show, like watching more what the contestants are doing behind the scenes. I am pretty sure all of them will at least end up a one hit wonder...
6. Looking forward for some shows to start So You Think You Can Dance...I LOVE THIS SHOW!! and I am curious about The Voice and Simon Cowell's new show, the X-Factor...I am sure I will watch at least one episode of each to see if I get hooked.
7. Thoughts on the Grey's Musical Event this last Thursday?? Couldn't decide whether I loved it, or hated it....jury is still out...
8. Last 4 points about TV...maybe I watch too much??
9. Thinking I need to plant some flowers....not that I will keep them alive, but it will look pretty for a little while at least :)
10. Need a good easy read that will make me laugh...any suggestions??
Alright...well, ending on a note with my favorite four people...
Just another Saturday morning....

so hot in pink shorts I want to f--k her