So this is a short little post just to say...I am LOVING American Idol this year...I know they are already down to only like, six people and I am just bring this up...but we just got done watching the results show, and everytime I watch it I like it more and more.
I was disappointed for Pia when she got kicked off...which at the time felt too soon...however, now she has a record deal and dating a pseudo star (Mark Ballas...from Dancing with the Stars) so I figure, she did what she came to do...she just did it early...
But as far as everything else goes...WOW! I have been an avid Idol fan since season 4 (Shout out to Carrie Underwood....LOVE HER!) and I usually have enjoyed watching it...but I found myself fastforwarding alot as the seasons went on. Not this year!! I like the group performances and the individual performances. I love catching the behind the scene stuff with the producers. Each performance seems more professional than in the past...and I am rarely hearing "that sounded karoke"...because I think there is more talent on the stage this year than any year before.
And the Judges....oh, the judges...I think it is a great group...and they are more encouraging than critical but I feel like they all are pretty honest about each performance. And what is the harm in encouragement?
Well, I won't say I have a favorite, but I feel like it will come down to Lauren, James and Casey. We will see...I am pretty sure that all of them will have a record...or at least a hit single :)
Well, I hope everyone is gearing up for Easter weekend! We sure are :)
Happy Day!
A Weekend Getaway To Ocean Springs
5 weeks ago
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